masculinoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso Big Bedroom in Huge 4BR, 1-person Flat

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 17m² habitación en un 2 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 148m²
  • 2 personas ( 1 Hombre )
  • Edad de los residentes: 30 hasta 40 años
  • Se permite fumar en el balcón
  • Profesionales, No comunitario, Mixto
  • Idioma(s): Alemán, Inglés, Español

Buscando por:

  • cualquier género entre 30 y 50 años

Datos del inmueble

Certificado de consumo, Gas

Edificio antiguo

2. Planta alta


DSL, WLAN mayor de 100 Mbit/s

Alfombra, Tablones

Energía renovable

Calefacción a gas

Buenos espacios para estacionar

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos




Feel free to write us in English, German, or Spanish. This is an opportunity to have a giant 4-BR apartment mostly to yourself.

ASAP! - We would like to find a roommate to move in as soon as possible, for a temporary stay until about June 2025 (semi-flexible).

We are 2 professionals, but I will be gone all of spring, and the other will here only about half time, so this big 4BR apartment will be mostly empty.

This is a unique opportunity to live in a massive 5-room altbau wohnung mostly alone or with one other person.

Some details of the room:
...18 sq meter bedroom, 40+ sq meter living room
...Quiet, with windows facing the Hof
...beautiful old hardwood floors
...fully furnished bedroom (couch, bed, closet, armchair, desk)
...250+Mbps internet

The apartment:
...148 sq meter
...furnishings throughout, dishwasher, washing machine, etc., new gas stove, couches, tables, etc.
...wifi printer
...all the kitchen tools of a pro chef, many ways to make coffee, cook, etc.
...all the linens you need (enough towels and sheets for a small army)
...more space than you know what to do with :)

We have lived here for 14 years. It’s a lovely, charming apartment. We don’t bring the party home – quiet adults only please.

· Kreuzberg U-Mehringdamm
· Furnished
· Move in immediately
· 2-3 months
· EUR 750/mo warm
· Looking for 30+ year-old

Note: this is a temporary stay, so there is no possibility of receiving an Anmeldung.

Also note that the room is a bit messy in the photos, only because someone was staying here. It will be clean with the belongings removed except for furniture, and we have a desk that you can put in the room if you prefer (The tree is optional 😊)

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