femeninofemeninoBuscando compañera de piso Cozy queer and neurodiverse friendly room near Jannowitzbrücke with 2 girl roomies and a cat

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 17m² habitación en un 3 personas apartamento
  • 3 personas ( 2 Mujeres )
  • Edad de los residentes: 20 hasta 25 años
  • Idioma(s): Inglés

Buscando por:

  • Mujer

Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo saneado

Planta baja

5 minutos caminando



Hello future roomie :)

We have a large 18m2 room with a communicating balcony available in our nice apartment!

The apartment is located on the ground floor, and has 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom(kitchen and bathroom are gonna be shared) It is 5 min walk from two central stations and super close to Alexanderplatz, and at the same time you don’t feel like you are in the heart of city - it’s very calm and silent. There are 2 grocery shops 2 min walk, visible from balcony and a doner place haha. Also 10 min to mall area and 35 mins by public transport to airport.

Furthermore, we already have installed the refrigerator, the washing machine is already bought but not installed yet and the wifi will be put in place during next two weeks.

Your room is not furnished, so you decorate it according to your desires, or join us in the quest for pretty little finds on flea markets! :) We can provide you with a mattress for the first time and will be happy to help you move in / find cheap furniture / transfer it.

To introduce us a little, you will share the apartment life with Anna, her little kitty Emma, and me, Kim! :) We are both in our twenties, Anna works as a dominatrix and I am doing the volunteer service in education. Both me and Anna smoke occasionally so we are very chill if you smoke too - if you smoke cigarettes tho please open windows and make sure the smell fully disappears before you close them.

To make a non-exhaustive list of our interests: music / art / cooking / gardening / reading / skate / travel / discussion in another language / science / computer science / sex scene (Anna is always happy to share her adventures and knowledge haha) / bouldering / movies / nature / handcraft (and wayyyyy more!)

Now, let me share some rules and values of the apartment

- We have a relaxed atmosphere, no conflicting spirit - therefore we would ideally aim to find a person who matches our routine and lifestyle so that we don’t create an endless root of arguments. We treat our home as our temple free of stress and an area to recharge our batteries. We want to keep it that way since our previous roommate violated our values and destroyed peace of the house.

- We like the idea of being able to communicate and share beautiful moments of life, like cooking together, share walks and discover the little corners of Berlin.

- We can of course receive whoever we want in respect of the noise at a certain time(we don’t ask for perfect silence, we are all adults so it is fine if sometimes you just want to stay up with some of your friends all night, or have sex with them at your own place, have a bathtub with them, etc) and under the guise of being responsible in case of those guests stealing or destroying anything

- both me and Anna prefer the concept of sharing and caring for each other, such as sharing our food and other stuff within common sense limits and be helpful towards each other.

We are weed friendly and in general open-mindedness.

We can't wait to receive your application and hear you tell us about yourself !

See you soon I hope :)

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