Cozy room in a Wg - Neukolln - for February

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 3 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 48m²
  • 3 personas
  • Comunitario, Estudiantes, Mujeres, Hombres, Negocios, Profesionales, Aprendices, No comunitario, Mixto, Vegetariano/Vegano, LGBTQIA+, Padres solteros, Internationals welcome
  • Idioma(s): Alemán, Inglés

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble



Edificio nuevo

Planta baja





Calefacción a gas

Buenos espacios para estacionar

5 minutos caminando



Hello everyone,

I am now looking for someone to rent my room in a shared apartment for two people in a great location in Neukölln. The apartment is shared with a German guy (31) and a lovely cat (Cleopatra), and it's located a few meters from Flughafenstrasse with great bars and the Klunkerkranich. Everything is within walking distance, such as a Rewe and Penny in 5 minutes. There is also a shopping center, as mentioned, chilled bars, the quiet Hasenheide Park and Tempelhofer Feld are not far either. The apartment is quietly located in the courtyard and is also on the ground floor. The temperature in the house it's not a problem, since the heaters work very well and the rent cover all costs, so you can have a warm February :)

About my flatmate, Simon, he presents himsel in the following text:
I am 31 and work full-time in an engineering job. In my free time I like all kinds of sports such as beach volleyball, spikeball, squash, soccer, I love stand-up comedy, I like going to concerts and also to techno parties, especially now in summer on weekends during the day. During the week I like to take some time for myself in the evening after work, but I'm also open to relaxed things like a beer at the Späti or something like that. Oh, and I have a cat, so you shouldn't have any allergies or anything :)

Feel free to get in touch :)

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