femenino     Social and happy girl looking for new flatmates


Amelie N. (, 29) Buscando Habitaciones en Berlin . Hablo estos idiomas: Inglés, Francés, Sueco

Solicitud en línea: 13 horas

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: desde 01.04.2025
Tipos de pisos compartidos: Cualquiera
Detalles del piso compartido: n.d.
Barrios: Charlottenburg, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Mitte, Neukölln, Prenzlauer Berg, Schöneberg, Wedding, Weißensee, Wilmersdorf, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Gesundbrunnen, Moabit, Rummelsburg
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado, No amueblado
Otro: n.a.

Documentos disponibles

Prueba de solvencia Prueba de solvencia
Passport/ID Passport/ID
Justificante de ingresos Justificante de ingresos
Confirmación del pago del alquiler Confirmación del pago del alquiler
Autodeclaración del inquilino Autodeclaración del inquilino
Certificado de enrolamiento Certificado de enrolamiento
Seguro de contenido del hogar Seguro de contenido del hogar
Seguro de responsabilidad Seguro de responsabilidad
Seguro de pérdida de alquiler Seguro de pérdida de alquiler

Más datos acerca de mí


I'm moving to Berlin in the beginning of February. And right now I have a room for two months. Im looking for something from the 1 of April. I'm 29 years old and freelance as a costume designer for Swedish television. I've decided to try out new adventures since my partner also lives in Berlin. I'm going to study German for 6 months and then I plan to look for a job in the performing arts world to work as a costume designer again.

I am social and enjoy spending time/getting to know the people I live with. I think it's important for it to feel like "home." However, it's also important to understand that everyone has their private life and needs their own time. I am independent and find it easy to make friends on my own. But I enjoy having dinner and sharing a glass of wine with my housemates when there’s time.

I am a creative person who sews and paints. I'm social and enjoy various social settings and participating in the culture of the city I live in, going to concerts, hunting for treasures at flea markets, engaging with art, etc.

I hope someone here can see me as their new potential roommate. I’d love to have a video call or meet in person when I have moved so we can get a sense of each other.

P.S.: I love animals.
P.S: I have lived in a collective since I was 20 and have many references who can vouch for me

Talk soon! Amelie


Yo cocino: varias veces a la semana
Fumar: n.d.
Yo aportaré: n.d.


Deporte: Jogging, Escalar
Música: n.a.
Tiempo libre: Viajar, Conciertos, Bar, Reunirse con amigos, Arte, Hacer senderismo


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