masculinoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso ein Zimmer im britz foroctober

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 7m² habitación en un 2 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 64m²
  • 2 personas ( 1 Hombre )
  • No comunitario

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  • cualquier género

Datos del inmueble

Casa adosada

1. Planta alta


Heyo, my name is Omri, im a musician and video photo freelancer, and i live in berlin for around 3 years now.
as me and my gf broke up, im staying in this big cozy house in britz neukoln (12349), and looking from someone to sublet with me, this could possibly be long term but my friend might move in on november / i might decide to move out, therfore i offer a sublet for october only (so 400€, not full month rent)
about the house:
it's a big private house with nice neighbors on both sides:
first floor: big living room, kitchen, guest toilet (tho sink is not working yet)
second floor: two bedrooms, mine and potentialy yours :)
keller: washing machine, heating system, not a very usable space.
garage: there is a garage for parking a bike (it's packed with landlords stuff and equipment, and would stay like that :)

the area, and the home is very quiet, only birds around, and at nights sometimes toads in the distance. your room is facing the road but not a lot happening there usualy i would say.

the warm rent of the whole house is 1050€, tho this might fluxuate at the end of the year when we figure the bills (1050 is an estimation). so being ok with finding out it's slightly different and paying the difference is needed.
this living situation would work for someone loving quiet and space, good communicator, a nice and respectful person overall.
kaution would be 525€ (mothly rent)

feel free to contact me for more details, and come by to see the place.

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