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We know how tricky it is to find a home in Berlin but we know exactly who we are looking for and if you don't fit the profile below, best of luck to you and please save your time and ours and only apply if you fit the description ;)....
Not Suitable for Home-Office Workers
We are looking for a lady to join our houseshare in lovely prenzlauer berg.
Please tell us about yourself and kindly give us the following info:
your age,
and some personal info so we can paint a picture of you.
Please read through this ad carefully, we shall know if you haven't ;)
115 square metre apartment, super clean, very tidy, quiet, located to all and the best public transport systems and with lots of lovey bars, restaurants, parks and pretty streets to discover.
The room is fully furnished and has an extra walk-in-wardrobe in the hall-way. You only need, and should please only bring with you, a suitcase full of clothes. Everything else is already here. The walk-in-wardrobe isn’t in the pictures but in the walk through video…
Virtual walk-through of the apartment (''whitney's room and wardrobe'') video is here if you copy and paste the link (from many years ago - we have made it look even nicer now) -
617,18 Euros / month including all bills
The corner of Schönhauserallee with the M1 tram that runs from outside our front door through kastanianallee, mitte, through hackerscher markt and friedrichstrasse. The M13 also from our front door takes you into weißensee or wedding.
5 minutes walk from here is the U2 and S bahn / ring bahn Schönhauserallee.
Very nice, clean streets, friendly, no drug-dealers, lots of young people, young families, dogs and pretty happy people live here. There are plenty of open spaces to visit (mauer park is 15 minutes walk away) but the nice thing here is how the streets are alive with people having drinks and dinner most evenings. Super sociable and an amazing mix and choice of places to go out all within walking distance.
I am around during the day and normally out and about in the evenings. I love cooking (mostly plants) and my room doubles as our movie-lounge. Of course there is a massive OLED and surround sound system and probably one of the biggest couches you have ever seen. Viivi doesn't mind when we use here super sunny balcony to have a smoke or do some tanning. We talk a lot, have interest personally in each other and how life has ups and downs, and enjoy a sense of freedom when we are walking around the apartment. It is our home, and we look after it and each other very well. It is extremely important that we have someone similar here.
We don't have big parties but spontaneously on a thursday evening it is common that we all end up in the kitchen, drink too much wine and swap funny stories. We like to meet socially with our different groups of friends, most of mine are crazy (dancers, models, actors, musicians) because my job and you will fall into a very genuine, caring circle of people if you are new to the city and need some new friends.
Please check before you write to us that you fit what we are looking for and if you have read this til the end, please include the word 'candyfloss' in your email.