femeninofemeninofemeninoBuscando compañera o compañero de pisoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso Room in Berlin Wedding with the loveliest flatmates and neighbours for 1.5 months (flexible)

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 13m² habitación en un 5 personas apartamento
  • 5 personas ( 3 Mujeres )
  • Edad de los residentes: 18 hasta 30 años
  • Se permite fumar en el balcón
  • Estudiantes, Profesionales, No comunitario, LGBTQIA+, Internationals welcome
  • Idioma(s): Alemán, Inglés, Neerlandés

Buscando por:

  • cualquier género entre 18 y 35 años

Datos del inmueble


Edificio nuevo

3. Planta alta



Calefacción por suelo radiante

Calefacción central

Malos espacios para estacionar

5 minutos caminando

Lavaplatos, Balcón





Hi everyone! We are subletting my room (roughly 13sqm, very bright with 2 big windows) in a vibrant flat and community close to Seestrasse (U6), including balcony for 1 or 2 months (FLEXIBLE):

**** FLEXIBLE*** IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE! I'm traveling frpom Mid January to Mid February (1 month), but the room can be immediately available, and even though I come back on Feb 17th I can stay somwhere else too until the end of the month, so it's adjustable for your needs :-)

The flatmates are very sweet, social, but also super respectful of your space :) i would say the same about the small community at large with many recurring social events with a truly international crowd (Mostly 20-30 years bracket). It's completely furnished with everything you could ever need and the all inclusive rent is 550 Euros / month (even less than what I am paying).

I am looking for someone who is respectful and brings good sociable vibes to my very welcoming flatmates and community, and who takes good care of the room :) If interested please do drop me a message and open to sharing more details and arranging a visit !

In short: We created a little bubble here all together to make this place feel like home away from home and we are lloking for our next family member to make this family complete again ❤️

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