Furnished Student Room in Bolzano Zentrum

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 3 personas apartamento
  • 3 personas
  • Estudiantes
  • Idioma(s): Alemán, Inglés, Francés, Italiano

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo saneado

1. Planta alta


Bañera, Ducha


Calefacción a gas

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Uso compartido del jardín


Furnished room in Bozen-Bolzano city center. 16.5m2 room, with bed, desk, nightstand, closets, and double window. Quiet neighborhood with minimal traffic, yet close to everything in the city center. 1 minute walk to Zollstange, 3 minute bike ride to UNIBZ, 650m/2 minutes to Waltherplatz, 6 minute walk to Stazione/Bahnhof, 350 meters to Ritnner/Oberbozen Seilbahn, 15 minutes bike or bus to Hospital/Krankenhaus Bozen.

We are two masters and PhD students at UNIBZ, looking for a professional, curious, and courteous flatmate. Medical, masters, or PhD students preferred. We have lived with both male and female flatmates in the past, and have a lifestyle and cleanliness that anyone can appreciate.

This is a remarkable well-equipped flat in an ideal location. The kitchen is quite large, with an included dining area. We have both a refrigerator with freezer, an additional freezer (for foraging adventures throughout South Tyrol) and a GARDEN shared amongst the four flats in our building. The bathroom, also quite large, has full-sized laundry in it.

We can accomodate fixed-term and long-term tenants, including medicine and nursing students on practicum/rotations and Erasmus students from abroad. We are both international students (USA) and appreciate international perspectives and language exchange.

This house is smoke-free indoors and pet-free and this will be maintained. We are conscious omnivores, and try to eat a diet sourced from our alpine environment.

We are concise, harmonious, and direct communicators and seek the same. Look forward to meeting a future flatmate in person or virtually, and can give a live video tour of the flat.

Documentos necesarios

Dossier de Candidatura Dossier de Candidatura Passport/ID Passport/ID
Certificado de enrolamiento Certificado de enrolamiento
1 Anuncios publicitarios