Searching for a big room

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Tipos de pisos compartidos: n.d.
Detalles del piso compartido: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí


I am an Architect working with Ingenhoven Architects at Hafen since a year. I am currently learning German so English is the language for me. I am pretty chilled, open minded and a calm personality. I have been living in Dusseldorf alone for about an year now, but would like being in a nice WG as my time is spent in the office generally but would like to spend time with warm personalities and share common activities together in my free time. Before Duesseldorf i was living in a WG for two years in Frankfurt during my masters and about an year in Berlin, all being very pleasant and fun experiences. I generally work long hours but love to cook on the weekends would like to live with people interested in doing things together from time to time. I pretty much have a liking for all genres of music but love Minimal techno and alternate music . I am pretty much interested in the apartment which has a big Room and would like to meet and get to know a bit about the people I will share the flat with.

I would be pretty happy to provide any further details you wish from me. I am available through whatsapp as well.


Yo cocino: n.d.
Fumar: n.d.
Yo aportaré: n.d.


Deporte: n.d.
Música: n.d.
Tiempo libre: n.d.

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