femeninomasculinomasculinoBuscando compañera de piso mobilliert WG zimmer - Nur Für Frauen

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WG-Gesucht+ - Averigua cuáles son tus posibilidades.


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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 20m² habitación en un 4 personas apartamento
  • 4 personas ( 1 Mujer y 2 Hombres )
  • Edad de los residentes: 20 hasta 30 años
  • Mixto, Internationals welcome
  • Idioma(s): Inglés, Turco, Alemán, Árabe

Buscando por:

  • Mujer

Datos del inmueble

1. Planta alta

6 minutos caminando




Your room (20 m²) in 4-person shared apartment offers a lot of space for one person. It has 3 large windows, which allows enough light to come through. It is in good quality and does not need renovation. Enough power outlets give you the possibility to arrange your room the way you want it. The room is well furnished.
( Furniture has to be bought by next person. It is a mandatory requirement)

Super convenient and centrally located.
Aldi is at 5 minutes walking distance.
Schweizer Strasse Tram Station (Line 901) is 8 mins away.

You will be sharing the Wg with Iva, Teo and Oemer. Every now and then we chat in the kitchen. Teo has a cute cat with whom we all play now and then. But we also need time for ourselves and our work, so life in a shared apartment is always different. It all depends on the mood and we are quite spontaneous and adaptable. There is a cleaning schedule, so the apartment (kitchen, hallway and bathroom) is always cleaned and tidied up. Important is- We are looking ONLY FOR A FEMALE

Total rent is 350,00
There is a washing machine and dishwasher in the common area
Cellar room: available

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