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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 18m² habitación en un 2 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 49m²
  • 2 personas ( 1 Mujer )
  • Edad de los residentes: 22 hasta 22 años
  • No es recomendable fumar
  • Mujeres
  • Idioma(s): Inglés, Alemán

Buscando por:

  • Mujer entre 19 y 35 años

Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo saneado

2. Planta alta


Bañera, Ducha

Fibra óptica mayor de 100 Mbit/s

Energía renovable

Calefacción central

Buenos espacios para estacionar

2 minutos caminando


The room and flat has everything you need. Invluding washmashine, coffeemaschine dishwasher, oven and cutlery , pans and vacuum!
Internet is super fast and reliable with 200mbits.

Towels and bedsheets are available for a fee of 70 euros.
There is currently living a 22 year old female working in a doctors office as recepionist.

Attention there is no living room but your room is quiet spacious.

No Instruments allowed or pets.

Cleanliness and respectfull demeanor is important.
Location ideal and well connected to center in 20 minutes and also to Airport in 20 minutes.
Darmstad is reachable in 40 minutes.
There is a train station stresemannallee in walking distance.
And multiple supermarkets.
The area is safe but I advise in any area to be careful in night times because its Frankfurt.

For any questions please don’t hesitate.
Anfrgen auch gerne auf deutsch.😊

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