femeninofemeninoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso Shared Flat in a Swedish Villa

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 18m² habitación en un 3 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 135m²
  • 3 personas ( 2 Mujeres )
  • Edad de los residentes: 23 hasta 25 años
  • Estudiantes, Mujeres, Hombres
  • Idioma(s): Alemán, Inglés

Buscando por:

  • cualquier género

Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo

Planta baja





Calefacción central

Malos espacios para estacionar

5 minutos caminando

Balcón, Jardín, Se permiten mascotas


Hej Everyone!
We are looking for a new flatmate. Someone who would like to live together closely. Someone who loves dogs or would like to try out loving a dog. Someone who is open for conversation, shared dinner, party and games. Does this sound like you? Then continue reading.

*Duration*: open end
*Our flat*: is located close to public transport hub Marklandsgatan and very well connected to Chalmers Campus Johanneberg (20min door to door) and basically everywhere else. There is a supermarket directly at Marklandsgatan. Behind our garden the nature reserve “Änggårdsbergen” begins.
The flat is on the first floor of a traditional Swedish house. Our landlady lives on the second floor. Also, a student lives in the attic. Your room is fully furnished.
*The rent* (7333 SEK) includes energy and running costs.

*This is us*:
Anneke: Hej hej, I am always on the move working on some project that has once again lit me on fire. I study architecture and regularly get carried away in the details of my designs. I am passionate about crafting and sports. I like to bake and cook when I find time and occasionally, I will be up for playing a board or card game. PS: I would like to have a wine lover.

Maja: Hej hej, I am the dog lady also very much on the move but a bit more home than Anneke. I do also study architecture. Therefore, we would be very happy to find a non-architect! I have a passion for photography and art. Actually, Anneke also has it but she doesn’t have as many cameras as I do 😉. Also, I love crafting and LGBTQ-Rights.

Babsi: Wuff, I am the flatshare dog. I am really cute. I look like a labrador, but I got pointed ears. I am looking for someone to walk me out into the woods, to pet me whenever I look at them cutely, someone to feed me when Maja is not home. Just someone who gives me some love.
We all love to spend the evening with a shared dinner, watching a movie, petting Babsi and crocheting in our living room.

✓ You are not an architect
✓ You are not a living individualist – we are no functional flatshare!
✓ You are open to actively participate in our flatshare
✓ You are willing to take over some responsibility for Babsi

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