femeninomasculinoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso Looking for a Flatmate (2 Months)

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 12m² habitación en un 3 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 130m²
  • 3 personas ( 1 Mujer y 1 Hombre )
  • Edad de los residentes: 29 hasta 30 años
  • Se permite fumar en el balcón
  • Estudiantes, No comunitario, Mixto
  • Idioma(s): Alemán, Inglés, Italiano

Buscando por:

  • cualquier género

Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo saneado

3. Planta alta


WLAN mayor de 100 Mbit/s


Energía renovable

Calefacción central

Buenos espacios para estacionar

5 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Sótano, Garaje para bicicletas


Hello <3
we are Giulia and Tohar and we are looking for a flatmate for our place in st. georg.
We are looking for someone short term, until April, with a possibility to prolong.

the apartment is newly renovated, connected very well thanks to the vicinty to hbf. We also moved in a month ago, so everything is "under construction" but already cozy! Your room would be without furniture, if you need urgently some we do have some temporary solution though, for a bed and a closet – in the case we would be happy to help

Tohar and me are studying and working at the moment. We are both musicians, and like cooking and chilling as well as wandering the city and partying :)
We know that it is very short notice, but a friend of ours who was supposed to move with us got some major issues, so here we are waiting for you!

For more info we would love to meet you in person!

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