Big bright room for 2 people in the city center

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 6 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 200m²
  • 6 personas
  • Estudiantes
  • Idioma(s): Inglés

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble


Bañera, Ducha

Tarifa plana, WLAN

Parquet, Lámina

Buenos espacios para estacionar

3 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Terraza, Jardín, Sótano


A great room for a couple or two persons, completely furnished. All rooms on the top floor are equipped with air conditioning.

Also a complete new kitchen is installed. The kitchen is equipped with a stove, a range hood, an oven, and two dishwashers.

The WG features 4 toilets, as well as a shower and a bathtub. Each floor has its own bathroom for convenience.

The property also features a cozy living room with a stunning view of the beautiful garden, which includes two terraces. The bright and spacious living room provides direct access to the garden and the basement, offering approximately 170m² of usable space.

In the basement, there is a washing machine available for free use.

The house, which was completely renovated in 2006 (new pipes, windows and electrics, energy-efficient refurbishment), is heated by district heating. In addition, there is a solar thermal system for hot water and heating, which drastically reduces heating costs.

7-10 min to the university, 5 min to the next supermarket (Kaufland), 3 mins to the Verkehrspavillon bus stop.

1 Anuncios publicitarios