welcome to our shared flat

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WG-Gesucht+ - Averigua cuáles son tus posibilidades.


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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 6 personas apartamento
  • 6 personas
  • Estudiantes

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada


- All bedrooms have the necessities: Bed (90cm), wardrobe, table, chair, mattress. All rooms have windows, and few a ceiling window. Helps circulate and cool down the room in summer!
- Big living room where we can spend time together, watch TV, listen to music, practice sports, play music (Piano and keyboard is there for everyone to use) or have table tennis tournament. It's the place to meet people. Also friends are more than welcome to come over.
- big Kitchen and dining area. Has all the necessary things (plates, cups, pots and pans) you need for cooking. multiple fridges and a freezer, and cupboards to store your food.
- Garden. really nice in summer, also has a fire place which is free to use for bbq
- PEP store and Spar around the corner (also open on Sundays for emergency shopping!)
- cat lovers and really nice and helpful roommates 🌿

Flatshare: Wir plaudern gerne spontan zusammen, gehen tanzen oder verbringen einen Abend bei uns am Feuer. Wir machen gerne Musik und unternehmen auch gerne mal etwas miteinander.

Wir suchen...
unkomplizierte, spannende Menschen, die offen dafür sind, in einer 6er WG zu lebtennisen :))
Eine 6er WG bietet viele Vorteile und einige Kompromisse;)
Die Vermietung lässt nur Student_innen/Azubis zu.

1 Anuncios publicitarios