masculinoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso WG room in great location with balcony and living room

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 18m² habitación en un 2 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 60m²
  • 2 personas ( 1 Hombre )
  • Edad de los residentes: 31 hasta 31 años
  • Se permite fumar en el balcón
  • Estudiantes, Profesionales, Internationals welcome
  • Idioma(s): Inglés, Español, Sueco

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  • cualquier género

Datos del inmueble

1. Planta alta

Amueblado parcialmente

Bañera, Ducha

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Balcón, Uso compartido del jardín, Sótano





Hey hey! My roommate is sadly moving out of this amazingly located apartment near Felsenkeller in the west.

The room is around 18m2 and has two windows toward a very calm street. There's a super-nice 16m2 room with crazy windows (see picture), which is currently my bedroom, and it will become a shared living room (I will take the 3rd room instead). There's some furniture in the living room, like a dining table, but the other than that it's basically empty. I think it could be a really cool project to furnish/organize the living room together :)

The kitchen has everything you might need (but no dishwasher). I got most of it for free from the people who lived here before, and I would like to replace some of the older things at some point in the future. There's a west-facing balcony, looking over the Innenhof/gardens, which gets a lot of sun and is amazing in the summer. Aaaaand we have a very large storage in the cellar (Kellerabteil), which is super useful.

Your room will be unfurnished. I have included pictures of the room when it's empty, as well as how it looks right now with my current roommate is living there, just for reference.

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