Großes Zimmer in 2er WG Sendling (flexible length and date)

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 2 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 80m²
  • 2 personas
  • Comunitario, Hombres, Negocios, Profesionales, No comunitario, Mixto, Internationals welcome, funcional
  • Idioma(s): Alemán, Inglés, Francés, Español

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble

Planta baja

Amueblado, Amueblado parcialmente


DSL, WLAN 50-100 Mbit/s

Alfombra, Parquet, Lámina, Baldosas

Calefacción central

Buenos espacios para estacionar

7 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Balcón, Sótano





heyguys, I'll write the text in English so all Internationals can easily understand as well. The room is 22 qm big with a view to the west. The Room is handed over empty but in case you would only want to stay a couple of months or weeks i can easily provide it furnitured with a bed, clothing storage and desk. I would ask for a small amount on top in that case. The date for moving in and out is flexible. I will need the room from 5th to 10th of February for a home exhibition but i am sure we can work something out - just let me know when you would want to move in. The room is part of a spacious 4 room apartment that is fully equipped. There is a big livingroom that i am currently upgrading with new furniture. There will be an even bigger carpet than on the pictures and a dining table for the floor (japanese style), so i hope you enjoy chilling on the ground. There is a standard bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen. There are two bedrooms (including yours) and one working room that i use for my freelance photography work. There is also a backyard where you can leave your bike or have a sunny breakfast in summer. A livingroom balcony rounds the package up.

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