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WG-Gesucht+ - Averigua cuáles son tus posibilidades.


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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 9m² habitación en un 6 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 107m²
  • 6 personas ( 4 Mujeres y 1 Diverso )
  • Edad de los residentes: 21 hasta 33 años
  • Se permite fumar en el balcón
  • Estudiantes, No comunitario, Mixto, Vegetariano/Vegano, LGBTQIA+, incluido
  • Idioma(s): Portugués, Ruso, Francés, Alemán, Inglés, Español

Buscando por:

  • cualquier género entre 20 y 35 años

Datos del inmueble

Casa plurifamiliar

4. Planta alta





Calefacción a gas

Malos espacios para estacionar

2 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Terraza, Balcón, Sótano, Garaje para bicicletas





The basic infos are in English so everyone can understand!

The room is very cozy and has already some furniture, which you can use if you want. The window is facing away from the street, so there are not many noises.
You will have the sun shining into it in the afternoon.
We have one bathroom which is suprisingly enough for all of us. If something is very urgent we knock on the door and try to communicate our needs.
We have a kitchen with two fridges and an extra fridge if we need it for dumpster dived food. Also we have a dishwasher and a washing machine.
There is the table in the living room in between the rooms and the kitchen, which we use if we eat together.
If you go through Maryx room there is a balkony which has basil and tomatoes and is a nice chilling spot in the spring and summer time.

The WG is very friendly, open and fun. We do a lot of stuff together like going in the park to juggle and practice the Slagline, going dumpster diving, making music and playing games. It's very family-like! You can always join in for activities but of course you don't have to!

The Rent is 270 Euros per month .The flat is very central and supermarkets are 5 minutes foot walk away. The nearest Bus Station is reachable in one minute. The central Station is 10-15 Mins by foot.

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