masculino    Searching for a student room in Steinfurt

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Mohammed Shujauddin Khazi (, 26) Buscando Habitaciones en Steinfurt (No fumo). Hablo estos idiomas: Inglés Inglés, Hindi Hindi

Solicitud en línea: 01.09.2024

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: desde 26.09.2024
Tipos de pisos compartidos: Cualquiera
Detalles del piso compartido: Cualquiera (Cualquier género)
Barrios: Steinfurt
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado, Cocina disponible
Otro: n.a.

Más datos acerca de mí

I am from India and currently I am a student here in Germany studying for a Master's in TU Bergakademie Freiberg. I will be moving to Steinfurt/Münster for studies in the last week of September. So I am looking for a room suitable for students in the areas of either in Steinfurt or in Münster. If anyone is interested in offering a room to stay then please let me know, we can discuss it. The rent limit should be maximum €280 up to this amount I am convenient in renting the room. Even if the room is in either like a flat share or in 1 room flat I am convenient for any of these options. So please do let me know if you are willing to offer the room along with the rental agreement as I am in Urgent need of it.

Thank you in advance and have a nice day.


Yo cocino: siempre y con gusto
Fumar: n.d.
Yo aportaré: n.d.


Deporte: Fútbol, Bádminton, Cricket
Música: Bollywood songs
Tiempo libre: Viajar, Ver televisión, Fotografiar, Jugar en línea, Netflix


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