masculino    Looking for a Shared Apartment for around 6 months

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Yashwardhan Deshmukh (, 23) Buscando Habitaciones en Stuttgart (No fumo).

Solicitud en línea: 15 horas

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: desde 24.11.2024
Tipos de pisos compartidos: Cualquiera
Detalles del piso compartido: n.d.
Barrios: Asemwald, Bad Cannstatt, Bergheim, Birkach, Botnang, Burgholzhof, Büsnau, Degerloch, Dürrlewang, Fasanenhof, Feuerbach, Frauenkopf, Freiberg, Giebel, Hausen, Hedelfingen, Heumaden, Hofen, Hoffeld, Hohenheim, Kaltental, Lederberg, Luginsland, Mitte, Möhringen, Mönchfeld, Mühlhausen, Münster, Neugereut, Neuwirtshaus, Nord, Obertürkheim, Ost, Plieningen, Riedenberg, Rohr, Rohracker, Rot, Rotenberg, Schönberg, Sillenbuch, Sommerrain, Sonnenberg, Stammheim, Steckfeld, Steinhaldenfeld, Süd, Uhlbach, Untertürkheim, Vaihingen, Wangen, Weilimdorf, West, Wolfbusch, Zazenhausen, Zuffenhausen
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado
Otro: n.a.

Más datos acerca de mí


I’m Yash, a 23 year old male, and a computer science masters student at Oxford University.
I am currently working in Stuttgart as a software research engineer at Max Planck Institute, currently collaborating with Amazon.
I’m looking for an available room from 24th November (Preferably till April 2025). I'm friendly and extroverted, always open to new experiences and meeting new people.
I respect personal space and value a clean and positive living environment. Moreover, I do not make any noise, invite guests without permission from other flat mates or play any loud music. My previous landlord can vouch for my reliability.

Any offers for me that are available :D ?

Best Regards,


Yo cocino: varias veces a la semana
Fumar: n.d.
Yo aportaré: n.d.


Deporte: Gimnasio, Jogging, Fútbol, Billar, Artes marciales
Música: Rock, R&B, House, Pop, Rap
Tiempo libre: Viajar, Conciertos, Leer, Cine, Club, Hacer senderismo


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