Shared room wanted in Tübingen (from 01.04.25) max rent 600 euros

Número del anuncio: 11746547


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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 2 personas apartamento
  • 2 personas
  • Comunitario, Estudiantes, Mujeres, Residencia, Profesionales, No comunitario, Mixto, Vegetariano/Vegano, LGBTQIA+, Internationals welcome

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble

Casa plurifamiliar

1. Planta alta



I am Ashwin. 30 year old female from India.
I have recently finished my PhD from India and moving to tuebingen for my post doctoral work. I am an anthropologist by training and work on family sociology and aging studies. I will mainly be teaching in tuebingen and doing my work.

I have had experience of living in a shared apartment before and I like it. I am very neat and clean person who likes to follow a routine, be discipline but at the same time, socialise and make friends. This would be my first time in Germany and therefore, I wil be going around and learning about the new city a lot. Also, I like cooking - so if you are up eating food - I would be happy to cook Indian food! I do not like very spicy food :)

Truth be told, I am having difficult time finding a place - either it is very expensive or the dates do not match. It has been a difficult few months looking for houses (along with sorting out visa and other requirements to travel abroad). I will be there for 12 months. I look forward to chatting with potential landlords/ladies.

I will be happy to share more details if need be. We can also connect over whatsapp, my number is +91-8887869592.

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