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en WG-Gesucht.de!
en WG-Gesucht.de!
The room itself is 13.3 m2, though due to its square cut it feels rather spacious. It has a separate floor heating, large windows and a door to the balcony. In addition you’d have the larger bathroom, which houses the wash+tumble-combo.
The flat is built in accordance to the Minergie-Standard, has beautifully high ceilings (2.70m), an induction stove, a dishwasher, a nice (though yet empty) balcony and a lot of sunlight with the sunset on your side. The neighbours are nice, though we kinda mind our own businesses. Access to the Internet happens via some freaking fast fibre magic (10Gbit). Occasional movie or gaming nights can be enjoyed on a 120" projector screen in 4k. A dog would be very much welcomed as your companion. There’s a piece of nature just around the block.
As a side-note, there's an option for lowering the rent to 970,- CHF. But this would be best discussed in person.
One Gym just 2 min around the block, open from 5 AM, and another one roughly 10 min by foot. Though I am currently building a weightlifting platform and turning the cellar into a personal gym. The train station is just 4 min by foot. There're 6 trains each hour to Oerlikon (3min) and Zurich HB (9min). The Glattzentrum is just 10 min by foot. Also 10 min away, though by Bike, is a local Farmerstore with fresh regional and seasonal groceries. Every Saturday a farmer's market takes place in Oerlikon. If you'd be mostly into demeter-groceries as well, I've got nearly all of it figured out ;)
Info for german speakers:
Deutsch ist meine Muttersprache. Das Inserat ist nur eben in Englisch. Hoffe du kommst klar damit ;)
Hi there, I’m Tob.
As my current flatmate is moving on with her life I am looking for another self-reflected/aware/mindful hooman to live with.
Living would be a bliss, if you're positive/optimistic, trustworthy, humble, and aware of your own identity/ego/pysche/mind as well as understand how to create your own health. Idealy you'd be a balanced person that values a complex view of the world, a connection to nature and a life-long process of growing and learning.
It certianly wouldn't work out, if you'd be messy, smoking, consuming mainly conventional groceries, using typical household chemicals and value money more than your own well-being. Also if you're loudly active in the flat/kitchen after 9 p.m. (21:00), listening to music out loud regulary and/or having your face glued to a screen, you'd want to look for another flatshare.
Currently I am working full-time as a software engineer (98% from home atm). The rest of the day I'm into Olympic Weightlifting, Climbing, Meditation, Friends, Board Games, Food, Health-Education and Reading (not ordered by priority).
1160,- a month all inclusive.
2320,- rental deposit (2 rents).
Unlimited sublease contract.
Private liability insurance is a must.
Please take the time to write me some words about you.
*hoomans don't take life dead serious (how controversial to say)
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