Cosily furnished & spacious 80m2 on Görlitzer Str - Kreuzberg - for the month of February

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I'm renting out my entire beautiful home here on Görlitzer Straße in Kreuzberg, next to the canal, while I'm away for the month of February. The start and end dates are somewhat flexible.

My place is perfect for a couple who wants to spend a month in a lovely part of Berlin. It's a spacious yet cosy flat with two big rooms with wooden floors and high ceilings, a large well equipped kitchen and a big bathroom. Through the years, I've put a lot of love into the place, building a lot of the furnishing myself and taken special care to have nice lighting that makes you really feel at home. There are lots of happy plants around, good central heating and fast 100Mbit internet. A comfy cuddle-chill-out in the kitchen is great for lazy mornings and cosy evenings.

The bedroom has a large comfortable 2x2m bed. The other room is my photo- and yoga-studio. It has a desk for working (facing a little jungle of plants), a wall mounted photography backdrop, an optional futon bed and lots of free space. The neighbours are all friends and super lovely people. While staying, I kindly ask you to respect the following rules: no parties / no loud music / no smoking inside.

The total rent for the month including everything is 1350€

I'd be happy to answer any questions or give you a little video tour :)

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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