Kurzzeitmiete - Short Term - bright, spacious apartment

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Edificio antiguo saneado

1. Planta alta



Lámina, Baldosas

Buenos espacios para estacionar

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Balcón




We are renting our huge an beautiful apartment while on holidays.

The total rent for three weeks will be 850€, if you want to stay for two weeks it will be 650€ (+1000€ deposit).

The apartment is located in Tempelhof only one minute from the next U-Station (U6 Kaiserin Augusta). It will take 5min to Bergmannkiez and 15 mins to Friedrichstraße.

We are on the 1st floor. High ceilings, spacious balcony with lots of plants.
All windows go out to quite streets / court yard.

Every room is spacious and has big windows. There’s a lot of natural light and wind flows through during the warm summer days and nights.

The kitchen is fully equipped: fridge, freezer, stove, oven, dish washer, washing machine with dryer and cooking supplies.

The bedroom has a 180 x 200m bed with a window out to a small, quite street alowing you to sleep well while letting fresh air into the room. We have big velours curtains to darken the room.

The biggest room is the living room with a chilly sofa and a huge dinning table. There is a TV connected to Apple TV.

The bathroom has a bathtub and a huge window too. The mirror has extra lighting, so you will look handsome even if your stay in Berlin is for partying 3 weeks straight.

We will equip you with bedding and towels during your stay and you are welcome to use the washing machine.

We would kindly ask you to also take care of our plants. You would get a quick briefing of course. It's about 10 min per week.

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