Cozy apartment with piano near Länderdreieck

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We would like to share our apartment. Most of the time you will be alone in the apartment, living room, bathroom and kitchen and to yourself, however, there is a chance that we may be back 4 times for one week. During this time we will share the rent. If you are ok with this, you can continue to read. :-)

Your own room is 20sqm big, facing the back garden, very quiet with morning sun. There is wooden floors, a wardrobe, desk, shelfs and double bed. You can use our bedsheets and towels and the kitchen is fully equipped.

We would like to share our space with a male or female between 30 and 60. Ideally we would like to share our space with a person who is a vegetarian and non smoker and who likes plants. We have some plants in or apartment that we love and we hope you love plants too.
We are very quiet and natural people, we only use natural products to clean, we don't use microwave and nor do we smoke.
You would be a perfect fit if you are a considerate and quiet person.
The living room has a piano which you could use and there is a beautiful private, shared garden in the back. We have some herbs there and there is beautiful spots to relax in the summer on the meadow.

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Helle 2 Zimmer-Whng im Grünen Treptow
01.12.2024 - 01.04.2025

68 m² | 750 €

1 Anuncios publicitarios 
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