Cozy and quiet flat in Weißensee

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6 minutos caminando



I am renting for the time i am traveling my apartment. It is very quiet and very close to Prentzlauerberg.

I am asking a low price because I would like to rent it to someone who would agree to have my cat in the flat and take care of her. She is very lovely and would get used to you in a few days. :)

The flat is on thw ground floor in front of a little field. It is very quiet and comfortable. It has everything, dishwasher, washing machine, a comfortable bed and a sofa, all good for three people to stay.

There is a nice balcony with a little sofa and table with chairs. Unfortunately the weather will be cold by the time i rent it.

I would prefer to rent it to someone who works. Could be fine for someone who is traveling. Preferably a woman. And someone who would take care of heating and electricity costs.

Please, only someone who agrees with the cat conditions. :)
I am happy to ajust / change the days.

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