apartment in schillerkiez, neukölln for february

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Edificio antiguo saneado

Planta baja


Cocina propia



Calefacción a gas

Malos espacios para estacionar

5 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Sótano, Garaje para bicicletas


as I will be traveling, I am looking for someone to take care of my beautiful apartment in the heart of Schillerkiez.

the apartment is on the ground floor of the side wing. super easy to carry groceries inside! it’s super quiet too. you can do as many jumping jacks as you feel like!!

the apartment has the classic altbau-charm and is equipped with a big kitchen (comes with washing machine), a long and narrow bathroom (comes with window) and one big room.
the main room has a couch and a high bed. (i was turned off by the high bed as well but it’s actually super cozy!). you will sleep on my comfy japanese futon matress (or my old cheap 90€ vintage couch, you pick)
i only moved in a few months ago, but the apartment has everything one needs!

the tempelhofer feld is right around the corner! there is a market every saturday in front of the door and lots of cafes and supermarkets (edeka, bio company, lidl) nearby.

i am leaving for japan on the 4th and come back on the 25th. ideally, i am looking for someone who will rent my apartment in the period, but we can for sure extend the stay from the 1st to the 28th!

the apartment isn’t huge so it would be best to have someone move in who travels lightly but i don’t really care if you’re kind and i can trust u with my stuff

send me some info about you, maybe your instagram profile if u have ! looking forward to hearing from u

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