Nicely located flat in Kreuzberg

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Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo saneado

3. Planta alta


Alfombra, Lámina, Baldosas

Energía renovable

Calefacción central

Buenos espacios para estacionar

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Balcón, Jardín, Uso compartido del jardín



Hi, I am subletting my fully furnished flat @ Schlesisches Tor in Kreuzberg starting from 20th of December until the 31st of January.

x Important thing is no Anmeldung - possible, since I am subletting my flat for a short period only

x As I might have to come back to Berlin for work, I will let you know at least 3 weeks in advance.

You will have the entire flat to yourself.

× Fast WIFI

Washing Machine - Dishwasher - Bathtub are all in place. The place is ideal for a couple!

Your bedroom has its own balcony - with a comfortable couch on it, overlooking the infamous Schlesi Station with a lot to see :)
Your bed is a pull out couch that is large 160 x 280 and comfortable for two.

Some pillows and a cover are provided but I would make sense to bring your own blanket and sheets.

The place is fully furnished with a comfy kitchen that I am using as a living room.

The place is a lot nicer, then on the fotos.
Bathroom isn´t pretty (old school 70s look - tiles) but has a nice bathtub and high water pressure, which is all you need.

- 1000 Euro per month for one + security deposit of 500 Euros
and 1200 Euro if you are staying with two people (because of higher gas/electricity bills)

Rent is to be payed for the first month plus Deposit (500 Euros) once the keys are handed over. You will get it all back, once the flat is clean and nothing major has broken. Easy Peasey :)

The river Spree (Oberbaumbridge) plus many Bars and and quality Snack-Places are pretty much on on the doorstep.

Looking forward hearing from you,

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