I am searching for 1 room or 2 room apartment from 2nd of september.

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Abhishek Mishra (, 26) Buscando Apartamento en Darmstadt (No fumo). Hablo estos idiomas: Alemán Alemán, Inglés Inglés, Bengalí Bengalí, Hindi Hindi

Solicitud en línea: 29.05.2024

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: desde 02.09.2024
Cantidad de habitaciones: máx 2
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado, Cocina disponible
Otro: n.a.

Más datos acerca de mí

About Me:

Hi, I'm Abhishek Mishra, a 26-year-old male from India. I have been admitted to Hochschule Darmstadt to pursue a Master’s degree in Electrical and Information Technology, specializing in Embedded Systems.

Current Situation:
I am currently residing in Bangalore, India, and working as an IT professional. I have over 3 years of experience living in shared accommodations.

Personality and Lifestyle:
I consider myself friendly, social, and responsible. I like to keep myself and my surroundings clean and tidy. I have completed A1 level German and am currently learning A2 level.

Hobbies and Interests:
• Playing and watching football
• Playing the guitar
• Listening to music
• Eager to learn more about German culture and language

What I’m Looking For:
I am looking for flatmates who are open-minded and easy to get along with. I need a furnished room with a study area.

I look forward to connecting with potential flatmates and making new friends!


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