Intern looking for a studio apartment/ WG - Unterföhring

Ich suche derzeit keine neue WG oder Wohnung

Zeitraum: n.a.
Stadtteile: n.a.
Haustyp: n.a.
Einrichtung: n.a.
Sonstiges: n.a.

Weitere Angaben über mich

Dear (possible) tenant,

My name is Ricardo. I'm 25 and I'm from a small town in the north of Portugal called Viseu. In 2014 I moved to Lisbon, where I lived for 6 years and graduated in law. Currently, I live in Vienna where I work at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).In April I will move to Munich for a paid internship of 6 months (until September 30) in Unterfohring - Therefore I need an available WG for the dates mentioned. I am available to stay as long as is convenient for you.
I am a calm, sociable person and really into sports; responsible for the preservation of spaces and used to living independently since I left my parents' house when I was 18.

I'm also a student of Political Science and International Relations - currently writing my thesis.

If it is in your interest to to share an apartment with me, I would like to know if it is possible to pass a Landlord's confirmation of residence - I have to register my address in Germany in order to receive the tax ID number.
I look forward to talking further with you and I am available to send you all the necessary documentation.

Thank you very much! :)

Best regards,
Ricardo Marques

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