Company Imprint
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Contact person:
Sarah Schletter


flex living GmbH

Flex living is a dynamic and modern company based in Leipzig. Our passion is to market and rent fully furnished flats and shared flats for students. We now have over 30 locations throughout Germany and our vision is to be the first point of contact when it comes to furnished and temporary living.

With us, all tenants, whether short-term or long-term, feel at home in every situation. We furnish every property the way we would love it ourselves, to create a place to live - not just to sleep in.

Company ads

flex living | moderne ALL-INKLUSIVE 4er WG in Aldenburg, Wilhelmshaven

Grashaus 9, Wilhelmshaven Aldenburg

4 person apartment share | 12 m² | 473€

flex living | moderne ALL-INKLUSIVE 4er WG im Leipziger Westen (Grünau)

Am kleinen Feld 52, Leipzig Grünau-Mitte

4 person apartment share | 15 m² | 525€