Company Imprint


Contact person:
Maria Hecht


POHA House

Experience a home like no other. Cospaces to live, work and come together under one roof.

Pick from a range of high-quality furnished flats, all equipped with the essentials to make your life easier. Start that business you’ve always dreamt about or “work from home” in the POHA office..
Overall, our mission is to create cospaces that have a positive impact.

This is the #spacetobe.

Company ads

All-inclusive room in shared flat by the forest Unlimited contract | Anmeldung possible | Inclusive community

Altenbergerstr. 4, Aachen Aachen

2 person apartment share | 14 m² | 629€

All-inclusive Zimmer in einer WG am Waldrand Unbefristeter Vertrag | Anmeldung möglich | Einladende Community

Altenbergerstr. 4, Aachen Aachen

2 person apartment share | 14 m² | 629€

Privates Studio-Apartment in Münster | Coliving im POHA House

Bremer Platz 50-52, Münster Centrum

1 Room Flat | 22 m² | 1084€

Private studio in Münster Coliving | POHA House

Bremer Platz 50-52, Münster Centrum

1 Room Flat | 22 m² | 1084€

Furnished 2-room apartment in Aachen | POHA House Coliving

Altenbergerstr. 4, Aachen Aachen

3 Room Flat | 75 m² | 1592€