Male    WG-Zimmer nähe / Room near UvA Science Park


Jan Henrik B. (, 22) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Amsterdam (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: German, English, French

Request online: 28.02.2025

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 01.05.2025
Flatshare type/s: Non Communal, Students Only, Male Only, Business People, Residential Home, Workers Only, Communal, Mixed Gender, Internationals welcome, Functional, New flatshare
Flatshare details: Up to 3 people (any gender)
Districts: Nieuwe Pijp, Oostelijke Eilanden/Kadijken, Weesperbuurt/Plantage, Oude Pijp, Nieuwe Pijp, Zuid Pijp, Ijselbuurt, IJburg West, Zeeburgereiland/Nieuwe Diep, IJburg Zuid , IJburg Oost, Oosterparkbuurt, Weesperzijde , Indische Buurt Oost
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished, Unfurnished
Other details: n.a.

Documents available

Proof of creditworthiness Proof of creditworthiness
Passport/ID Passport/ID
Proof of Income Proof of Income
Tenant Self-disclosure Tenant Self-disclosure
Certificate of enrollment Certificate of enrollment

More information about me

Hey :)
I am a first-year MSc Artificial Intelligence at the UvA, have a work-student job and am looking for a room starting May 1st or June 1st.

About me:

I'm 22y/o, from Hamburg (Germany) and in my free time...

🧑🏼‍🍳 I like to cook

🏋🏼 Do lot's of sports including Surfing, Gym, Running and Volleyball

🚀 am interested in entrepreneurship including my own little startup project

⛰️I love to spend time in nature

I've lived in a shared flat for 4 years now and co-tenants describe me as clean, responsible and friendly :)

I’d appreciate a quick response!
~Jan Henrik

Hey :)
Ich bin im ersten Jahr meines MSc Artificial Intelligence an der UvA, habe einen Werksstudenten-Job und suche ab 1.5. oder 1.6. ein WG-Zimmer, idealerweise in der Nähe vom UvA Science Park.

Über mich:

Ich bin 22, aus Hamburg und in meiner Freizeit...

🧑🏼‍🍳 koche ich gerne

🏋🏼 mache Sport: Surfen, Gym, Laufen und Volleyball

🚀 bin interessiert an entrepreneurship

⛰️ verbringe gerne Zeit draußen.

Ich lebe seit 4 Jahren in WGs und habs immer genossen :)

Ich freue mich auf deine Nachricht!
~Jan Henrik


I cook: several times a week
Smoking is okay: When people smoke on the balcony
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: Gym, Running, Beach Volleyball, Climbing, Skiing, Surfing, Volleyball
Music: n.a.
Free time: Travelling


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