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English version below
We are a self-managed house project, in which a total of 11 people of different ages live, all of which are engaged in different activities. As a club, we rented the whole house.
There are currently 2 rooms from 1. March free, one to the back of the yard, one to the front of the road.
Community living together is very important to us. Our weekly plenary session on Tuesday evening is an integral part of this, the presence of all is essential and a prerequisite for good cooperation. The evening always begins with a common meal. We then discuss and discuss all important and current things that affect us, the association and the house. All decisions are made by consensus, which can take longer.
We like to eat together (mainly vegetarian), which is why we aim to make each * r take the cooking spoon for the big round itself once a month and thus make a contribution to living together - although it is not important to "haute cuisine" to creatize, but above all to have fun and community.
Almost all foods are divided, which is offset by a sophisticated list system. We buy twice a week in the consumer community (VG) for all.
We are responsible for the house - that is, there are many different things we have to take care of ourselves (expansion, repairs, house administration, house master's work, etc.), and we live freely in accordance with the motto "learning by doing."
We are all open, interested and easy to get involved and take back. It is important to us that it is fun for everyone to live together. Because we are so many and the community must also "work" for the home project, it is important that you can communicate openly and take responsibility.
In addition to the joint building and care of the house, we organize events, film evenings, parties etc. - our own ideas and initiative are always welcome.
Also outside the house we like to do something together and share various leisure activities.
We are looking for people who want to be involved in living together and in maintaining the house project. But it is just as important for us that each of us has its own space.
Write us a message and tell us a little bit about you and how you imagine a living together:)
We look forward to hearing from you!
The black sheep
English version:
We are a self-managed house project in which a total of 11 people of different days live, all of whom have different jobs. As an association, we have left the entire house.
There are currently 2 rooms available from March 1st, one facing the backyard and one facing the street.
Living together as a community is very important to us. Our week plenary meeting on Tuesday evening is an integral part of this; the presence of everyone is essential and a preexquisite for good cooperation. The evening always started with a mean together. Afterwards, we divorce and debate all important and current matters that affect us, the association and the house. All decisions are made by consensus, which can some take a long time.
We like to eat together (general vegetarian), which is why we aim for every one to take the boiling spoon into their own hands once a month for the big group and that make a contribution to living together - when it is not important to serve "haute cuisine," but above all fun and community are important.
Almost all the food is shared, which is calculated using a sophisticated list system. Twice a week we buy groups for everyone in the consumer association consumer community (VG).
We are responsible for the house - that means there are many different things that we have to take care of ourself (extensions, repairs, property management, janitor work, etc.), but we live by the motto "learning by doing."
We are all open, interested and social, we can get involved and take a step back. It's important to us that everyone loves living together. Because there are so many of us and the community has to "function" for the house project, it is important that you can communicate openly and take responsibility.
In addition to building and keeping the house together, we are currently organizing events, film events, parties, etc. Your own ideas and initiative are always welcome.
We also like to do things together outside the house and share various quiet activities.
We are looking for people who would like to get involved in living together and focusing the house project. However, it's just as important to us that everyone has their own space here.
Feel free to write us a message and tell us a bit about yourself and how you imagine living together:)
Hope to hear from you soon, if possible in English; -)
The Black Sheep
English version below
Wir sind ein selbstverwaltetes Hausprojekt, in dem insgesamt 11 Menschen verschiedenen Alters leben, die alle unterschiedlichen Tätigkeiten nachgehen. Als Verein haben wir das ganze Haus gepachtet.
Es werden aktuell 2 Zimmer ab 1. März frei, eins nach hinten zum Hof, eins nach vorn zur Straße.
Das gemeinschaftliche Zusammenleben ist für uns sehr wichtig. Einen festen Bestandteil nimmt dabei unser wöchentliches Plenum am Dienstagabend ein, die Anwesenheit aller ist unabdingbar und Voraussetzung für ein gutes Miteinander. Der Abend beginnt immer mit einem gemeinsamen Essen. Im Anschluss besprechen und diskutieren wir alle wichtigen und aktuellen Dinge, die uns, den Verein und das Haus betreffen. Alle Entscheidungen werden im Konsens getroffen, was auch mal länger dauern kann.
Wir essen gern gemeinschaftlich (hauptsächlich vegetarisch), deshalb streben wir an, dass jede*r einmal im Monat den Kochlöffel für die große Runde selbst in die Hand nimmt und damit einen Beitrag zum Zusammenleben leistet - wobei es nicht wichtig ist "haute cuisine" zu kredenzen, sondern es vor allem auf Spaß und Gemeinschaft ankommt.
Fast alle Lebensmittel werden geteilt, was über ein ausgeklügeltes Listensystem verrechnet wird. Zweimal die Woche kaufen wir in der Verbrauchergemeinschaft (VG) für alle ein.
Wir sind für das Haus verantwortlich - das heißt, es gibt viele verschiedene Dinge, um die wir uns selbst kümmern müssen (Ausbau, Reparaturen, Hausverwaltung, Hausmeisterarbeiten etc.), dabei leben wir frei nach dem Motto „learning by doing“.
Wir sind alle offen, interessiert und umgänglich, können uns einbringen und zurücknehmen. Es ist uns wichtig, dass es allen Spaß macht, gemeinsam zu wohnen. Weil wir so viele sind und für das Hausprojekt die Gemeinschaft auch "funktionieren" muss, ist es wichtig, dass du offen kommunizieren kannst und Verantwortung übernimmst.
Neben dem gemeinsamen Bauen und Pflegen des Hauses organisieren wir gelegentlich Veranstaltungen, Filmabende, Partys etc. - dabei sind eigene Ideen und Initiative immer willkommen.
Auch außerhalb des Hauses unternehmen wir gerne mal etwas zusammen und teilen verschiedenste Freizeitaktivitäten.
Wir suchen Menschen, die Lust haben sich im Zusammenleben und für den Erhalt des Hausprojekts zu engagieren. Es ist uns aber genauso wichtig, dass hier jede*r seinen Freiraum hat.
Schreibe uns gerne eine Nachricht und erzähle uns ein bisschen zu dir und wie du dir ein Zusammenleben vorstellst :)
Wir freuen uns darauf von dir zu hören!
Die schwarzen Schafe
English version:
We are a self-managed house project in which a total of 11 people of different ages live, all of whom have different jobs. As an association, we have leased the entire house.
There are currently 2 rooms available from March 1st, one facing the backyard and one facing the street.
Living together as a community is very important to us. Our weekly plenary meeting on Tuesday evenings is an integral part of this; the presence of everyone is essential and a prerequisite for good cooperation. The evening always begins with a meal together. Afterwards, we discuss and debate all important and current matters that affect us, the association and the house. All decisions are made by consensus, which can sometimes take a long time.
We like to eat together (mainly vegetarian), which is why we aim for everyone to take the cooking spoon into their own hands once a month for the big group and thus make a contribution to living together - whereby it is not important to serve "haute cuisine", but above all fun and community are important.
Almost all the food is shared, which is calculated using a sophisticated list system. Twice a week we buy groceries for everyone in the consumer association Verbrauchergemeinschaft (VG).
We are responsible for the house - that means there are many different things that we have to take care of ourselves (extensions, repairs, property management, janitor work, etc.), but we live by the motto "learning by doing".
We are all open, interested and sociable, we can get involved and take a step back. It's important to us that everyone enjoys living together. Because there are so many of us and the community has to "function" for the house project, it is important that you can communicate openly and take responsibility.
In addition to building and maintaining the house together, we occasionally organize events, film evenings, parties, etc. Your own ideas and initiative are always welcome.
We also like to do things together outside the house and share various leisure activities.
We are looking for people who would like to get involved in living together and maintaining the house project. However, it is just as important to us that everyone has their own space here.
Feel free to write us a message and tell us a bit about yourself and how you imagine living together :)
Hope to hear from you soon, if possible in German ;-)
The Schwarzen Schafe
We live in the heart of the New Town. There's everything you need to live in the vicinity and the neighborhood is very alive.
The stop of the tram line 13 is right at the front door, about 5 minutes to the tram 7 / 8; 10 minutes to Albertplatz (all directions), 15 minutes to Neustadt station. From the house you are on foot in 10-15 minutes in the heath, the alaunpark or the Elbe.
Wir wohnen im Herzen der Neustadt. Es gibt in der Nähe alles, was man zum Leben braucht und die Nachbarschaft ist sehr lebendig.
Die Haltestelle der Tramlinie 13 ist direkt vor der Haustür, etwa 5 min zur Tram 7/8; 10 min zum Albertplatz (alle Richtungen), 15 min zum Bahnhof Neustadt. Vom Haus aus bist du zu Fuß in 10-15 min in der Heide, dem Alaunpark oder an der Elbe.
We have a bathroom, and there's a toilet on each floor. Besides, we share a kitchen.
There is a courtyard that we like to use as a living room in the summer, whether for reading, working, together making food, campfire or music.
Dogs or cats can't stay with us.
Wir haben ein Badezimmer, und auf jedem Stockwerk gibt es eine Toilette. Außerdem teilen wir uns eine Küche.
Es gibt einen Innenhof, welchen wir im Sommer, gern als Wohnzimmer nutzen, egal ob zum Lesen, Arbeiten, gemeinsam Essen, Lagerfeuer oder Musik machen.
Hunde oder Katzen können leider nicht mit bei uns wohnen.