Nice to have you here
--- see English below ---
Welcome to this cozy and modern 3 WG in the beautiful Bilk! The WG offers everything you need for a relaxed life: bright rooms, modern equipment and a top location with university clinic and university-near.
One of the three rooms of the apartment is available from 1.4., depending on your request either indefinite or on time. The room is very bright with large double windows and has new features:
- about 23 square meters
- 725 EUR per month, all inclusive (power, heating, internet)
- Deposit: 1875 EUR (3x net rent)
Rooms were renovated 2 months ago and equipped with new furniture:
- 1.40 wide bed with good mattress
- Night table
- Desk with desk chair
- wardrobe with mirror
- Recycle bin
- Plissees window
--- English --
Welcome to this cozy and modern 3-person shared apartment in beautiful Bilk! The flat offers everything you need for a lifestyle relaxed: bright rooms, modern furnishings, and a prime location close to the university hospital and the university.
Of the three rooms 1 is available from 1.4. either permanently or for short term rent depending on your preference. The room is very bright, featuring large double windows and new furnishings.
- approx. 23 square metres
- 725 EUR per month, all inclusive (electricity, heating, internet)
- Deposit: EUR 1875 (3x net cold rent)
Room was renovated 2 months ago and equipped with new furniture:
- 1.40 wide bed with good mattress
- Bedside table
- Desk with desk chair
- Large wardrobe with mirror
- Trash bin
- Window pleats
--- see English below ---
Willkommen in dieser gemütlichen und modernen 3er WG im schönen Bilk! Die WG bietet alles, was du für ein entspanntes Leben brauchst: helle Räume, moderne Ausstattung und eine top Lage mit Uniklinik und Uni-Nähe.
Von den drei Zimmern der Wohnung ist eines ab dem 1.4. verfügbar, je nach Wunsch entweder unbefristet oder auf Zeit. Das Zimmer ist sehr hell mit großen Doppelfenstern und verfügt über neue Ausstattung:
- ca. 23 qm groß
- 725 EUR pro Monat, alles inklusive (Strom, Heizung, Internet)
- Kaution: 1875 EUR (3x Nettokaltmiete)
Zimmer wurde vor 2 Monaten renoviert und ausgestattet mit neuen Möbeln:
- 1,40 breites Bett mit guter Matratze
- Nachttisch
- Schreibtisch mit Schreibtischstuhl
- Kleiderschrank mit Spiegel
- Papierkorb
- Fenster Plissees
--- English ---
Welcome to this cozy and modern 3-person shared apartment in beautiful Bilk! The flat offers everything you need for a relaxed lifestyle: bright rooms, modern furnishings, and a prime location close to the university hospital and the university.
Of the three rooms 1 is available from 1.4. either permanently or for short term rent depending on your preference. The room is very bright, featuring large double windows and new furnishings.
- approx. 23 square metres
- 725 EUR per month, all inclusive (electricity, heating, internet)
- Deposit: 1875 EUR (3x net cold rent)
Room was renovated 2 months ago and equipped with new furniture:
- 1.40 wide bed with good mattress
- Bedside table
- Desk with desk chair
- Large wardrobe with mirror
- Trash bin
- Window pleats
--- see English below ---
Die Wohnung befindet sich in Bilk, direkt in Reichweite der Uniklinik und der Uni. Bilk bietet eine Mischung aus studentischem Leben, urbaner Vielfalt und guter Verkehrsanbindung, mit vielen Grünflächen zur Erholung. Es zieht sowohl Studierende als auch Berufstätige an und hat eine lebendige, vielfältige Atmosphäre, die durch die Nähe zur Universität geprägt ist. Die Anbindung an den ÖPNV ist ideal – mit der Straßenbahn bist du in nur wenigen Minuten in der Innenstadt. Perfekt für junge Berufstätige und Studierende...
--- English ---
The apartment is located in Bilk, directly within reach of the university hospital and the university. Bilk offers a mix of student life, urban diversity and good transport connections, with lots of green spaces for relaxation. It attracts both students and professionals and has a lively, diverse atmosphere, characterized by its proximity to the university. The connection to public transport is ideal – you can reach the city center in a few minutes by tram. Perfect for young professionals and students...
--- see English below ---
This bright and spacious WG offers everything you need for a relaxed WG life. The kitchen is practically equipped: fridge, large work areas, washing machine, folding table with three bar chairs. Here you can cook with your roommates and let the evening finish – ideal for relaxed WG evenings.
The bathroom with daylight window has a shower room, mirror cabinet and bathroom cabinets.
The WG is perfect for students or young professionals who value modern equipment and a super location in Bilk.
Interest? Then please write to us and arrange a visit!
--- English --
This bright and spacious shared apartment offers everything you need for a relaxed shared-living experience. The kitchen is practically equipped: a refrigerator, large work surfaces, a washing machine, and a folding table with three bar stools. Here, you can cook with your roommates and wind down in the evening—perfect for cozy shared apartment nights.
The bathroom, with a daylight window, features a shower, a mirrored cabinet, and a small bathroom cupboard.
The apartment is ideal for students or young professionals who value modern amenities and a prime location in Bilk.
Interested? Feel free to message us and schedule a viewing appointment!
--- see English below ---
Diese helle und geräumige WG bietet alles, was du für ein entspanntes WG-Leben brauchst. Die Küche ist praktisch ausgestattet: Kühlschrank, große Arbeitsflächen, Waschmaschine, Klapptisch mit drei Barstühlen. Hier kannst mit deinen Mitbewohnern kochen und den Abend ausklingen lassen – ideal für entspannte WG-Abende.
Das Badezimmer mit Tageslichtfenster verfügt über ein Duschbad, Spiegelschrank und Badezimmerschränkchen.
Die WG ist perfekt für Studierende oder junge Berufstätige, die Wert auf eine moderne Ausstattung und eine super Lage in Bilk legen.
Interesse? Dann schreib uns gerne und vereinbare einen Besichtigungstermin!
--- English ---
This bright and spacious shared apartment offers everything you need for a relaxed shared-living experience. The kitchen is practically equipped: a refrigerator, large work surfaces, a washing machine, and a folding table with three bar stools. Here, you can cook with your roommates and wind down in the evening—perfect for cozy shared apartment nights.
The bathroom, with a daylight window, features a shower, a mirrored cabinet, and a small bathroom cupboard.
The apartment is ideal for students or young professionals who value modern amenities and a prime location in Bilk.
Interested? Feel free to message us and schedule a viewing appointment!
--- see English below ---
If you are already working, you should provide a copy of your contract and the last three payrolls after the visit. A prerequisite for the rental of students without income is a burden (e.g. a parent).
If you get the room offered for rent, please have a Schufa (request now) (please apply now)
The rent per room is a warm rental incl. Additional costs such as heating costs and electricity. The furniture and an Internet flat rate (Vodafone, up to 100 Mbit/s) are also included in the price.
There are NO COSTS.
Important: The rooms are rented individually, i.e. each tenant receives a separate rental contract.
International students are also welcome.
--- English --
If you are already employed, you should submit a copy of your employment contract and the last three payslips after the visit. A guarantor (e.g. a parent) is a guarantee for renting to students without income.
If you are offered the room to rent, please have a Schufa (request now) (please apply now) report ready.
The rent per room is a warm rent including utilities such as heating and electricity. The furniture and an Internet flat rate (Vodafone, up to 100 Mbit/s) are included in the price. There are NO HIDDEN COSTS.
Important: The rooms are rented individually, i.e. each tenant receives a separate individual tenancy agreement.
--- see English below ---
Falls du bereits berufstätig bist, solltest du im Nachgang des Besuchs eine Kopie deines Arbeitsvertrags und der letzten drei Gehaltsabrechnungen vorgelegen. Voraussetzung für die Vermietung an Studenten ohne Einkommen ist ein Bürge (z.B. ein Elternteil).
Solltest du das Zimmer zur Miete angeboten bekommen, hab bitte eine Schufa (jetzt beantragen) Auskunft parat.
Die Miete je Zimmer ist eine Warmmiete inkl. Nebenkosten wie Heizkosten und Strom. Die Möbel und eine Internet Flatrate (Vodafone, bis zu 100 Mbit/s) sind ebenfalls im Preis inkludiert.
Wichtig: Die Zimmer werden einzeln vermietet, das heißt, jeder Mieter erhält einen separaten Einzelmietvertrag.
Internationale Studenten sind ebenfalls herzlich willkommen.
--- English ---
If you are already employed, you should submit a copy of your employment contract and the last three payslips after the visit. A guarantor (e.g. a parent) is a prerequisite for renting to students without income.
If you are offered the room to rent, please have a Schufa (jetzt beantragen) report ready.
The rent per room is a warm rent including utilities such as heating and electricity. The furniture and an Internet flat rate (Vodafone, up to 100 Mbit/s) are also included in the price. There are NO HIDDEN COSTS.
Important: The rooms are rented individually, i.e. each tenant receives a separate individual tenancy agreement.
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