Modernes WG Zimmer mit eigenem Balkon ab 05.02.25, sh. Bild 1 + 2

Ad ID: 10517880


Base rent:
Miscellaneous costs:
Existing equipment fee:


currently rented





Hallo liebe Suchende!
Hello dear seekers!

Herzlich Willkommen zu deinem voll ausgestatteten Zimmer 'greendream' in einer Wohngemeinschaft für Frauen in einem schönen Ort!
Welcome to your fully furnished room 'greendream' in a shared apartment in a prime location!

Hier hast du die Sicherheit des Landlebens UND die Nähe zur Stadt und zur THI.
Here you have the security of country life AND the proximity to the city and the university.

Dein Zimmer ist gemütlich und neu und liebevoll eingerichtet. Es hat einen eigenen Balkon mit Polyrattan Sesseln und einem Tisch.
Your room 'dreamgreen' is a cozy, new and lovingly furnished room in a shared apartment for 3 women (see pictures 1 and 2). The room has its own balcony which is furnished with a table and 2 armchairs made of polyrattan with a view of the gardens and houses in the neighborhood.

Das Zimmer ist ausgestattet mit einem weißen Holzbett 140 cm breit (Bettwäsche inklusive), einem 3türigen Schrank mit Schubladen, einem Schreibtisch mit Stuhl und einem Schwingsessel (Ikea Poäng).
The room is equipped with a white real wood bed 140 cm wide (bedcover and -linen included), a wooden wardrobe, a work corner with a desk and chair and a swing chair.

Er befindet sich im ersten Stock eines Einfamilienhauses. Schöner Blick über Gärten und Häuser vom Balkon aus.
The room is on the 1st floor in a single-family house with a friendly neighborhood. Beautiful view of trees and gardens.

Hier kannst du die Ruhe finden, die du benötigst. Die anderen beiden Räume sind momentan belegt von 2 netten indischen Studentinnen.
Here you can find the peace and quiet you need. The other two rooms are already occupied by two nice students from India.

Die Lage ist sehr zentral - alles ist innerhalb von 5 bis 10 min. Fußweg erreichbar - vom Supermarkt über die Bäckerei bis hin zu Banken und dem Rathaus. Auch Bushaltestellen befinden sich in unmittelbarer Fußnähe. Gute Busverbindung nach Ingolstadt. Ein Bus fährt im halbstündlichen bis stündlichem Abstand nach Ingolstadt und zur THI (Fahrtdauer ca. 20 min.)
The residential area is very pleasant - everything can be reached in a maximum of 10 minutes on foot. Bus stop 5 minutes. The shopping center, drugstore, banks and a beverage store as well as a snack bar are right around the corner. Good bus connection to Ingolstadt (a bus runs every half hour to 1 hour), 3 bus stops within walking distance (5 -10 min.)

Dein zukünftiges Zuhause ist geräumig und hell, frisch renoviert im September 23.
Your future home is spacious and bright. The entire apartment is covered with light oak vinyl and was newly renovated and furnished in September 2023.

Deine Vorteile:
- Dinge für den gemeinschaftlichen Verbrauch werden vom Vermieter eingekauft und kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt (Toiletten- und Küchenpapier, Geschirrspültabs und -Salz, Mülltüten etc.).
- ein kostenfreies Leihfahrrad steht für unsere Mieter zur kostenfreien Nutzung zur Verfügung
- wir treten als Vermieter selten in Erscheinung, sind aber da, wenn wir gebraucht werden (Abholung vom Bahnhof, Hilfe bei behördlichen Angelegenheiten etc.).

Your advantages:
- We provide items for shared use such as toilet paper, kitchen paper and dishwasher tablets/salt permanently and free of charge.
- rental bike for our tenants (free of charge)
- we, the landlords, live in the ground of the housewith our adult daughter. We are rarely in the spotlight, but are happy to help with any formalities, even if there are problems. Or if you need to be picked up at the train.

Radabstellfläche im Innenhof.
A bicycle parking space is located in the courtyard.

Transport connections:
- By car about 15 minutes to the THI in Ingolstadt (8.5 km) by car via the A9.
- Good bus connection to Ingolstadt (a bus runs every half hour to 1 hour), 3 bus stops within walking distance (5 -10 min.)

Equipment in the common rooms:
- Fully equipped modern shared kitchen (incl. oven, kettle, dishwasher, toaster, dishes, etc.).
Pantry with 4 parts - a cupboard for each tenant in the kitchen.
Spacious dining area. Newly furnished at the end of 2023.

- Shared bathroom with bathtub, shower and sink.
Washing machine in the bathroom. Underfloor heating in the bathroom.

- Spacious hallway with wardrobe and seating.

- Pantry with refrigerator and shelf for storing supplies including boxes for individual storage.
Ironing board, iron, vacuum cleaner, broom, scrubber, cleaning utensils.

Within walking distance (5-10 min):

- Bakery, butcher, 2x kebab, REWE, Norma, Hörl beverage market.

- Municipality/town hall. Small forest, stream + pond, fitness trail in the forest
- Riding stables
- Parking spaces nearby.

3 bus stops nearby, each about 5-10 min. walk.

We, the landlords, live on the ground floor with our adult daughter and 2 dogs. We are happy to help with any formalities and with job searches, even if there are problems. Otherwise, we are rarely in the spotlight.

We are happy to make the inner courtyard with seating and, on request, our covered north-facing terrace available for planned meetings or celebrations.

We are uncomplicated and humorous and are happy to have nice and cheerful tenants who tolerate dogs.

The landlord's naturopathic practice is located in the basement.

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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • room in 3 person apartment share
  • Total size: 70m²
  • 3 person apartment share
  • Students Only, Female Only, New flatshare
  • Speaking these languages: German, English

Searching for:

  • This room is currently rented out

Further details

Multi family house

1st floor


Bathtub, Shower


Lino/Linoleum, Tiles, Underfloor heating

Gas heating

Many free parking lots

5 minutes by foot

Washing machine, Dish washer, Balcony
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