Flatshares in Rom: 482

32 people looked for a flatshare in Rom in the last 24 hours.

online tour
3 person apartment share | Rom Montesacro | Via Adamello 10 FemaleSearching for a flatmate of female genderSearching for a flatmate of female gender
610 €
05.03.2025 - 30.08.2025
9 m²
Paula Gaudiano Online: 1 day
Geteiltes Wg-Zimmer in einer schönen Villino mit Garten in Rom
610 € | 9 m²
3 person apartment share | Rom Montesacro | Via Adamello 10
Available: 05.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/10915573.html
2 person apartment share | Rom Metro B Tiburtina Station... | Via Ugo Pesci MaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
390 €
22 m²
Mauro M. Online: 4 days
Metro B Tiburtina.Single or twin room.Stage-ERASMUS-Trainee-Internship-Worker.Also short term.
390 € | 22 m²
2 person apartment share | Rom Metro B Tiburtina Station... | Via Ugo Pesci
Available: 02.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/994949.html
3 person apartment share | Rom MonteVerde Vecchio | Viale Quattro Venti FemaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
550 €
22 m²
Arianna Tozzi
Arianna Tozzi Online: 28.02.2025
Two rooms available in shared flat in Monte Verde Vecchio/Gianicolo
550 € | 22 m²
3 person apartment share | Rom MonteVerde Vecchio | Viale Quattro Venti
Available: 01.09.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/2444034.html
4 person apartment share | Rom Rome | Via del Forte Braschi 126 FemaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
550 €
15.03.2025 - 30.12.2027
12 m²
Gabriella Galassi
Gabriella Galassi Online: 27.02.2025
Rome, room near Metro A Battistini
550 € | 12 m²
4 person apartment share | Rom Rome | Via del Forte Braschi 126
Available: 15.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/5552648.html
2 person apartment share | Rom Roma | Roma, Via Giuseppe Antoni... Searching for a flatmate of female genderSearching for a flatmate of female gender
500 €
05.03.2025 - 01.01.2028
12 m²
Gabriella Galassi
Gabriella Galassi Online: 25.02.2025
Town house, Rome, Via Giuseppe Antonio Borgese
500 € | 12 m²
2 person apartment share | Rom Roma | Roma, Via Giuseppe Antoni...
Available: 05.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/5557536.html
2 person apartment share | Rom Tiburtina | Via Tiburtina 530 MaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
650 €
01.03.2025 - 31.08.2025
16 m²
Anna F.
Anna F. Online: 14.02.2025
Room in shared apartment from March to August 2025
650 € | 16 m²
2 person apartment share | Rom Tiburtina | Via Tiburtina 530
Available: 01.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11821917.html
online tour
4 person apartment share | Rom Rom Zentrum Flaminio | Lungotevere Flaminio 66 FemaleFemaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
880 €
18 m²
Domitilla Fabriani Online: 02.02.2025
Möbliertes 18 qm Zimmer in netter 4er WG, Zentral : ein Semester in Rom?
880 € | 18 m²
4 person apartment share | Rom Rom Zentrum Flaminio | Lungotevere Flaminio 66
Available: 01.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/3306459.html
online tour
4 person apartment share | Rom Zentrum Roms | Lungotevere Flaminio 66 FemaleFemaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
50 €
01.03.2025 - 31.12.2025
18 m²
Domitilla Fabriani Online: 24.01.2025
Zentrum Roms
50 € | 18 m²
4 person apartment share | Rom Zentrum Roms | Lungotevere Flaminio 66
Available: 01.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/3181993.html

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4 person apartment share | Rom Rome | Via dei Monti di Primavalle
12 m²
Room near Metro A Battistini
500 € | 12 m²
4 person apartment share | Rom Rome | Via dei Monti di Primavalle
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/5461761.html
3 person apartment share | Rom San Lorenzo | Via dei Dauni
25 m²
Rom, San Lorenzo, 3erWG --- einen Katzensprung von der Uni SAPIENZA
630 € | 25 m²
3 person apartment share | Rom San Lorenzo | Via dei Dauni
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/8926671.html
6 person apartment share | Rom Piazza Bologna | Piazza Bologna
25 m²
privat übernachten bei deutsch-italienischer Familie in Rom
100 € | 25 m²
6 person apartment share | Rom Piazza Bologna | Piazza Bologna
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11503454.html
3 person apartment share | Rom Monteverde | via Pietro D'Assisi
16 m²
stanza libera da Gennaio 2025 Monteverde
570 € | 16 m²
3 person apartment share | Rom Monteverde | via Pietro D'Assisi
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11521392.html
online tour
2 person apartment share | Rom Quartiere Nomentano Piazz... | Via Ettore Pais
15 m²
your room in Munchen for my room in Rome approx 28 sept-13th october (simultaneous exchange or no...
10 € | 15 m²
2 person apartment share | Rom Quartiere Nomentano Piazz... | Via Ettore Pais
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11320770.html
online tour
4 person apartment share | Rom | Piazza Sant'Apollonia
18 m²
Historical centre of Rome rent room free from m.july
750 € | 18 m²
4 person apartment share | Rom | Piazza Sant'Apollonia
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11091110.html
online tour
3 person apartment share | Rom roma | Viale dello Scalo San Lor...
2 m²
825 € | 2 m²
3 person apartment share | Rom roma | Viale dello Scalo San Lor...
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11060346.html
Furnished Room in outstanding 3 floors WG with garden and terrace, very close to the underground ...
400 € | 11 m²
6 person apartment share | Rom | Via del Casale Ferranti
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/6768080.html
online tour
2 person apartment share | Rom Colli Portuensi | Viale Dei Colli Portuensi
8 m²
Mitbewohner:in in Rom gesucht
490 € | 8 m²
2 person apartment share | Rom Colli Portuensi | Viale Dei Colli Portuensi
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/10754875.html
2 person apartment share | Rom Prati |
15 m²
WG-Zimmer in Rom für 3 Monate
600 € | 15 m²
2 person apartment share | Rom Prati |
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/10771063.html
online tour
2 person apartment share | Rom Celio nahe Colosseum | Via Santi Quattro
25 m²
WG-Zimmer in Rom nahe Colosseum, auch für kürzere (Sprach-)aufenthalte
800 € | 25 m²
2 person apartment share | Rom Celio nahe Colosseum | Via Santi Quattro
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/8776430.html
4 person apartment share | Rom Via dei Monti di Primaval... | Via del Forte Braschi
10 m²
Rome, house near Metro A 🚇 Battistini
500 € | 10 m²
4 person apartment share | Rom Via dei Monti di Primaval... | Via del Forte Braschi
Available: aktuell
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/9479572.html

Room in Rom / WG Rom

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Do you have a room for rent in Rom and are looking for a nice flatmate? Then you can advertise your WG for free here.

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