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-- English below ----
The cozy old building room is 12 m2 tall, has a fishgrats parquet and is handed over partially furnished.
The room is part of a 175 m2 large 5 WG. There is a large, cozy living room. The kitchen has a small seating and spice. There is also a dining room (which currently serves as a laundry room), a bathroom with shower, bathtub and toilet, an extra (disco) toilet and the 4 rooms of your roommates: inside. Storage and cellar are also included at the apartment, your bike can be parked in the courtyard.
This sunny room in an old building is 12 m2 in size, with herringbone parquet flooring. The room is partly furnished.
The room is part of a 175 m2 shared flat for 5 people. There is a large, cosy living room. The kitchen has a small seating area and a pantry. There is also a dining room ( currently serving more as a laundry room), a bathroom with shower, bathtub and toilet, an extra (disco) toilet and the 4 rooms of your flatmates. The flat thus has a storage room and cellar, and your bike can be parked in the courtyard.
--- English below ----
Das gemütliche Altbauzimmer ist 12 m2 groß, hat ein Fischgrätenparkett und wird teilmöbliert übergeben.
Das Zimmer ist Teil einer 175 m² großen 5er WG. Es gibt ein großes, gemütliches Wohnzimmer. Die Küche hat eine kleine Sitzgelegenheit und Speis. Zudem gibt es ein Esszimmer (das zurzeit eher als Wäschezimmer dient), ein Bad mit Dusche, Badewanne und Klo, ein extra (Disco-) Klo und die 4 Zimmer deiner Mitbewohner:innen. Abstellkammer und Keller sind auch noch bei der Wohnung dabei, dein Fahrrad kann im Innenhof abgestellt werden.
This sunny room in an old building is 12 m2 in size, with herringbone parquet flooring. The room is partly furnished.
The room is part of a 175 m² shared flat for 5 people. There is a large, cosy living room. The kitchen has a small seating area and a pantry. There is also a dining room (which currently serves more as a laundry room), a bathroom with shower, bathtub and toilet, an extra (disco) toilet and the 4 rooms of your flatmates. The flat also has a storage room and cellar, and your bike can be parked in the courtyard.
-- English below ---
The apartment is very centrally located in a quiet area, a walking distance from the Danube Canal, between the U4 stations Friedensbrücke and Roßauer Lände and near the Franz Josefs Station. The beautiful Augarten can also be reached in a few minutes. So there are many possibilities for relaxing and leisure in the parks and the canal itself - with football and basketball court, as well as a workout area. There are also various fitness centers and dojos for Martial Arts nearby.
The numerous connections are another great advantage. Very close are U4, 5, 31, 33, D, 40A, and N38. With the Bim you are in 7 minutes at the University of Vienna and by bike in just 5 minutes in downtown, and in 20 minutes on the Danube Island, Prater or BOKU. In addition, S40, R40, Rex40 and Rex4 depart from the Franz Josefs station.
There are many shopping opportunities in the immediate vicinity. Billa, Spar (2x) Denn’s, Hofer, DM, Bipa, Anker, Ströck, Pharmacies, a Russian and an Asian supermarket, numerous restaurants, take-aways and bars and the Franz-Josephs-Bhf. have opened Billa, Bipa and Trafik even Sundays.
The apartment is very central in a quiet area, only 2 minutes from the Danube Canal, in between the U4 station Friedensbrücke and Roßauer Länder and near to the train station Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof. Even the beautiful Augarten park can be reached in just a few minutes. There are many different green places close to relax and for leisure, especially at the canal - with a football and basketball court and a workout area. There are also a variety of fitness centers and dojos for martial arts nearby.
The area is therefore extremely well-connected within a 2 minutes walking distance to U4, 5, 31, 33, D, 40A and N38 are available. This means that by train you can reach the University of Vienna within 7 minutes. The city centre can be reached by bike within just 5 minutes and 10 minutes bymetro. The Danube Island, Prater or BOKU university can be reched within 20 minutes. In addition, the S40, R40, Rex40 and Rex4 depart from the train station Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof.
There are numerous supermarkets and other shops within a 1 or 2 minutes walking distance: Billa, Spar (2x) Denns, Hofer, DM, Bipa, Anker, Ströck, pharmacies, restaurants, take-aways and bars. A big plus: the Billa and Bipa at the train station Franz-Josephs-Bahnhof are open on Sundays and holidays.
-- English below ----
Die Wohnung ist sehr zentral in einer ruhigen Gegend gelegen, eine Gehminunte vom Donaukanal entfernt, zwischen den U4 Stationen Friedensbrücke und Roßauer Lände und nahe dem Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof. Auch der wunderschöne Augarten ist in wenigen Minuten zu erreichen. So gibt es ganz in der Nähe viele Möglichkeiten zum Entspannen und für die Freizeitgestaltung in den Parks und am Kanal selbst - mit Fußball- und Basketballplatz, sowie einem Workoutbereich. Auch diverse Fitnesscenter und Dojos für Martial Arts gibt es in der Nähe.
Die zahlreichen Anbindungen sind ein weiterer großer Vorteil. Ganz in der Nähe sind U4, 5, 31, 33, D, 40A, sowie N38. Mit der Bim bist du in 7 Minuten an der Uni Wien und mit dem Fahrrad in nur 5 min in der Innenstadt, und in 20 min auf der Donauinsel, im Prater oder an der BOKU. Zudem Fahren die S40, R40, Rex40 und Rex4 vom Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof ab.
Einkaufsmöglichkeiten gibt es zahlreich in der direkten Umgebung. Billa, Spar (2x) Denn’s, Hofer, DM, Bipa, Anker, Ströck, Apotheken, einen russischen und einen asiatischen Supermarkt, zahlreiche Restaurants, Take-Aways und Bars und beim Franz-Josephs-Bhf. haben Billa, Bipa und Trafik sogar Sonntags geöffnet.
The apartment is very central in a quiet area, only 2 minutes from the Danube Canal, inbetween the U4 station Friedensbrücke and Roßauer Länder and near to the train station Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof. Even the beautiful Augarten park can be reached in just a few minutes. There are many different green places close to relax and for leisure activities, especially at the canal - with a football and basketball court and a workout area. There are also a variety of fitness centers and dojos for martial arts nearby.
The area is also extremely well-connected within a 2 minutes walking distance to U4, 5, 31, 33, D, 40A and N38 are available . This means that by train you can reach the University of Vienna within 7 minutes. The city centre can be reached by bike within just 5 minutes and 10 minutes bymetro. The Danube Island, Prater or BOKU university can be reched within 20 minutes. In addition, the S40, R40, Rex40 and Rex4 depart from the train station Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof.
There are numerous supermarkets and other shops within a 1 or 2 minutes walking distance: Billa, Spar (2x) Denns, Hofer, DM, Bipa, Anker, Ströck, pharmacies, restaurants, take-aways and bars. A big plus: the Billa and Bipa at the train station Franz-Josephs-Bahnhof are open on Sundays and holidays.
-- English below ---
Living here, Victoria (28), Cosima (33), Giordano (32), Tobi (31) and you. Juhu!
Victoria works in Hotel “Superbude” and is a lot with friends: both on the go and like yoga and parties. In addition, she is interested in social/political and feminist topics and is also happy to exchange views.
Cosima studies architecture + gender studies and always has a project at the start. She loves art, hiking, swimming, cooking, crafts, design and calls herself a meat-eating vegan.
Giordano is a doctoral researcher and works on exciting research projects. He loves reading it and you can talk with him. In addition, he is a pardoned cook and likes to go boulders.
Tobi is starting his cross entrance as a middle school teacher. He loves to make sports and travel. In the evening he is more often at Bachata parties or at the weekend in the nature mountaineering.
We are queer-feminist, some working, some studying, communicative, committed and versatile interested persons. We like to sit together in our large living room or in the kitchen, discuss political and social topics, shape our generosity living room, watch movies or series, play board games or card games, drink something together, cook together or have friends:inside, where everyone can join. :
Cleanliness and order as well as open and respectful communication are also very important to us. Only if all residents feel comfortable, can life together. That is why we attach great importance to the fact that any responsibility in the budget is taking over and that it shows initiative when it comes to handling or procurement for the WG. In order to achieve this with cleanliness, there is a cleaning plan and on the other hand our wonderful cleaning power, which cleanses the shared spaces every 14 days. The cleaning costs, as well as the costs for the common WG expenditures such as toilet paper, spices and cleaning agents, as well as the annual spa maintenance are already included in the additional costs for the room.
All your roommates are true treasures.
Here live Victoria (28), Cosima (33), Giordano (32), Tobi (31), and you. Yay!
Victoria works at the hotel “Superbude” and donations a lot of time with friends. She enjoys yoga and parties. She is therefore interested in social/political and feminist issues and enjoys discussing them.
Cosima studies architecture and gender studies and always has a project on the go. She loves art, hiking, swimming, cooking, DIY, and design, and she herself herself as a meat-eating vegan.
Giordano has a PhD in literary studies and works on exciting research projects. He loves reading and is great to have deep conversations with. So he’s a talented cook and enjoys bouldering.
Tobi is just starting his career switch to become a middle school teacher. He loves sports and traveling. In the evenings, he’s often at bachata parties, and on weekends, he enjoys mountaineering in nature.
We are queer-feminist, some working, some studying communicative, committed people with a wide range of interests. We like to sit together in our large living room or in the kitchen, discuss political and social issues, decorate our shared living space, watch movies or series, play board or card games, have a drink together, cook together or have friends over, where everyone is welcome to join us :)
Cleanliness and order as well as open and respectful communication are so very important to us. Living together can only succeed if all residents feel comfortable. That's why we believe it's important that everyone takes responsibility in the household and shows initiative when it comes to errands or purchases for the shared flat. To ensure cleanliness, we have a schedule and a wonderful cleaner who cleans the rooms every 14 days. The cleaning costs, as well as the common shared costs such as toilet paper, spices and cleaning products, and the annual maintenance of the spa are already included in the additional costs for the room.
All your flatmates are real treasures. (word by word translation from german)
-- English below ----
Hier wohnen, Victoria (28), Cosima (33), Giordano (32), Tobi (31) und du. Juhu!
Victoria arbeitet in Hotel “Superbude” und ist viel mit Freund:innen unterwegs und mag Yoga sowie Partys. Darüber hinaus interessiert sie sich für gesellschaftliche/politische und feministische Themen und tauscht sich auch gerne darüber aus.
Cosima studiert Architektur + Gender Studies und hat immer ein Projekt am Start. Sie liebt Kunst, Wandern, Schwimmen, Kochen, Handwerken, Design und bezeichnet sich selbst als Fleisch essende Veganerin.
Giordano ist promovierter Literaturwissenschaftler und arbeitet an spannenden Forschungsprojekten. Er liebt es zu lesen und man kann mit ihm spannende Gespräche führen. Außerdem ist er ein begnateter Koch und geht gerne Bouldern.
Tobi fängt gerade seinen Quereinstieg als Mittelschullehrer an. Er liebt es Sport zu machen und zu reisen. Abends ist er öfters bei Bachata Partys oder am Wochenende in der Natur Bergsteigen.
Wir sind queer-feministische, manche berufstätige, manche studierende, kommunikative, engagierte und vielseitig interessierte Personen. Wir sitzen gerne in unserem großen Wohnzimmer oder in der Küche zusammen, diskutieren politische und gesellschaftliche Themen, gestalten unseren geneinsamen Wohnraum, schauen Filme oder Serien, spielen Brett- oder Kartenspiele, trinken etwas zusammen, kochen gemeinsam oder haben Freund:innen auf Besuch, wo sich jede:r gern dazusetzen kann. :)
Sauberkeit und Ordnung sowie eine offene und respektvolle Kommunikation sind uns ebenfalls sehr wichtig. Nur wenn sich alle Bewohner:innen wohlfühlen, kann das Zusammenleben gelingen. Deswegen legen wir Wert darauf, dass jede:r Verantwortung im Haushalt übernimmt und Initiative zeigt, wenn es um Erledigungen oder Beschaffungen für die WG geht. Damit das mit der Sauberkeit gelingt, gibt es zum einen Putzplan und zum anderen unsere wundervolle Reinigungskraft, die alle 14 Tage die gemeinschaftlich genutzten Räume putzt. Sowohl die Reinigungskosten, als auch die Kosten für die gemeinsamen WG-Ausgaben wie Klopapier, Gewürze und Reinigungsmittel, sowie die jährliche Thermenwartung sind bereits in den Nebenkosten für das Zimmer inkludiert.
Alle deine Mitbewohner:innen sind wahre Schätze.
Here live Victoria (28), Cosima (33), Giordano (32), Tobi (31), and you. Yay!
Victoria works at the hotel “Superbude” and spends a lot of time with friends. She enjoys yoga and parties. She is also interested in social/political and feminist issues and enjoys discussing them.
Cosima studies architecture and gender studies and always has a project on the go. She loves art, hiking, swimming, cooking, DIY, and design, and she describes herself as a meat-eating vegan.
Giordano has a PhD in literary studies and works on exciting research projects. He loves reading and is great to have deep conversations with. He’s also a talented cook and enjoys bouldering.
Tobi is just starting his career switch to become a middle school teacher. He loves sports and traveling. In the evenings, he’s often at bachata parties, and on weekends, he enjoys mountaineering in nature.
We are queer-feminist, some working, some studying communicative, committed people with a wide range of interests. We like to sit together in our large living room or in the kitchen, discuss political and social issues, decorate our shared living space, watch movies or series, play board or card games, have a drink together, cook together or have friends over, where everyone is welcome to join us. :)
Cleanliness and order as well as open and respectful communication are also very important to us. Living together can only succeed if all residents feel comfortable. That's why we believe it's important that everyone takes responsibility in the household and shows initiative when it comes to errands or purchases for the shared flat. To ensure cleanliness, we have a cleaning schedule and a wonderful cleaner who cleans the shared rooms every 14 days. The cleaning costs, as well as the costs for common shared expenses such as toilet paper, spices and cleaning products, and the annual maintenance of the spa are already included in the additional costs for the room.
All your flatmates are real treasures. (word by word translation from german)
-- English below ----
Nebenkosten setzen sich aus Strom, Gas, Haushaltsversicherung, Internet, Beitrag für die WG-Kassa, WG-Reinigung, etc...
Kaution beträgt EUR 1.620,--.
Additional costs consist of electricity, gas, household insurance, internet, contribution to the shared cashbox, cleaning, etc…
The deposit is EUR 1.620,--.