Needed: Long-term residence during Master's program

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

I am from the USA and am currently here in Kassel, looking for a residence. I am friendly, and quiet. I generally keep to myself but I do not mind conversing or hanging out with others. I have an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry, and attend the University of Kassel in a Master's program for Nanoscience. In my free time I like to play video games, go sightseeing, try new foods (and eat favorite foods) and go out with friends. I would like something as close to the University of Kassel as possible, or along any tram lines to the University; preferably on the Southern side of the city as I attend classes (when they are open) on the University's southern campus (AVZ). I am looking for a place under €350 per month, that is including utilities and internet. Location and price are the most important aspects to me. Furnished residences are preferred, but I am open to unfurnished places as well. I have both WhatsApp and Telegram.

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