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Living in Rhineland-Palatinate
Most of German wines come from the state Rhineland-Palatinate. The state invites to winetastings and strolls through the vineyards.
State of cultural monuments
Rhineland-Palatinate offers several attractions because of its history which dates back more than 2000 years. Today tourists are able to visit many examples of architecture of Roman times, medieval times and baroque times. The geography of the state is fascinating as well: enormous forests, mountainous landscapes, large rivers and lakes that have arisen from old volcanos. The state offers great diversity with different regions: the Eifel, the Hunsrueck, the Westerwald and the Taunus. Rhineland-Palatinate is also a perfect destination for wine lovers: more than half of German wines come from this state. Furthermore the firms BASF and Boehringer Ingelheim are important for economic success of the Southwestern state.
The state capital Mainz
The beautiful ‘Meenz’ is the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate. There Gutenberg invented the letterpress in the middle of the 15th century. Therefore the University of Mainz is called ‘Johannes Gutenberg University’. The Mainz Cathedral is the most important sight of the city. This dome was destroyed often and rebuilt every time. The stations ZDF and SWR have a registered office in Mainz. The road signs of the city are a special feature of Mainz: red signs signify crossroads and blue signs signify streets running parallel to the Rhine.
Mainz is the most populated city in Rhineland-Palatinate. There are 15 different districts in Mainz. Among others, the inhabitants enjoy living in the heart of the old town, in the young and independent quarter ‘HaMü’ (Hartenberg-Münchfeld), in the colorful Neustadt or in the green part of the city Hechtsheim. Unfortunately housing scarcity and price levels are increasing, because of the positive population development.
Other popular cities in Rhineland-Palatinate
Because in Coblenz the Mosel issues into the Rhine, the Romans called the city ‘Confluentes’. Today Coblenz invites visitors to visit the theatre, various museums and many buildings from different epochs. Every year an international festival is taking place: ‘Koblenz International Guitar Festival & Academy‘. A ride on the tricable gondola over the Rhine to the fortress ‘Ehrenbreitstein’ is a must-do in Coblenz.
In the past this interesting town was one of the most significant cities in the Holy Roman Empire. The popular Speyer Cathedral is the biggest Romanesque church worldwide. Speyer has plenty to offer: fascinating museums and different theatres. The international music festival ‘Dom zu Speyer’ from August to October is an annual event.
The further name of the city was ‘Augusta Treverorum’ because Trier was founded by the Romans. Trier labels itself as the oldest city in Germany. There are many buildings in Trier that are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List: the old town gate Porta Nigra and the church ‘Liebfrauenkirche’. Visitors are able to follow the footsteps of the popular past everywhere in the city. Because there are many students living in Trier, the city seems young and alive, as well.
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