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Living in Saxony
Many visitors visit the Free State of Saxony and gaze at cultural goods.
Saxon ‚Gemiedlichgeit‘
This slogan expresses the openness and kindness of the Saxon population. It does not mean that Saxons are lazy – quite the opposite: Saxony is popular for its industrial progress and the state comes first place in East German economy. Several companies of the chip industry, steel industry or automobile industry, like Porsche BMW and Volkswagen, have settled here. There are lots of inventors in Saxony: the first European china manufactory – ‘Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen – opened up in Saxony. Also there are located numerous cultural goods of the Electors of Saxony, for example the ‘Moritzburg’, the ‘Lustschloss Pillnitz’ or the ‘Grünes Gewölbe’. Everywhere in the state beautiful castles and fortresses invite to sightseeing.
The state in the East of Germany is very popular. More and more people are moving to Saxony. Some come to find a permanent residence, some come to find a job. The rental prices are low in comparison to other German states.
The state capital Dresden
This city is famous all over the country for its beauty. In the ranking of the most visited cities in Germany, Dresden gets fourth place. Tourists have to visit the impressive sights: ‘Frauenkirche’, ‘Residenzschloss’, ‘Semperoper’, ‘Dresdner Zwinger’, ‘Goldener Reiter’ and much more. A special tip is to go to the unique ‘Kunsthofpassagen’.
The fourth largest city in Germany has 64 districts. Students like to live in the neighborhoods ‘Südvorstadt’ and ‘Löbtau’, because it’s more favorable there and it’s close to the university. Living in the alternative and colorful borough Neustadt is very popular. There are many small cafés and pubs, lots of open-late stores and imposing street art on the facades.
Other popular cities in Saxony
‘City of Karl Marx’, ‘City of sports’, ‘Best-Christmas-City’, ‘City of industry’ or ‘City of modernity’ – all these names describe Chemnitz. The ‘Fünfspartentheater’ is very special in Chemnitz. There artists are performing in operas, ballets plays, philharmonics and puppet theatres. The most popular monument of the city is a monument of Karl Marx.
Since decades the trade fair city is very popular. The famous St. Thomas Boys Choir, the ‘Neue Leipziger Schule’ and the enormous ‘Völkerschlachtdenkmal’ are terms associated with Leipzig even by non-locals. Today the ‘Small Berlin’ counts among the fastest growing cities in Germany. Leipzig is called ‘Small Berlin’, because the city closely resembles the lifestyle of Berlin: an interesting cultural scene, lots of vegan food, exciting contrasts and much more. The lively Leipzig attracts new inhabitants with creative charm. There are many inn bars in the south of the city. Numerous galleries of well-known artists, like Neo Rauch, are situated on the site of the old cotton spinning mill.
The city is known for its titles ‘City of automotive’ and ‘City of Robert Schumann’. The two names refer to the success story of Zwickau: Zwickau is the city of Schumann’s birth and an important location of the automobile industry since decades. While a city trip tourists should visit the 17 trick fountains, the dome St. Marien and the ‘Gewandhaus’.
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