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Living in Thuringia
Thuringia gives variety of green areas. There it is possible to walk and hike.
The green heart of Germany
Not without good reason the state that is located in the middle of Germany bears this beautiful name. Thuringia provides eight different national natural landscapes. In this regions visitors and inhabitants find unspoiled nature and a wide range of plant species. Also the nature is indispensable to the economy of the Free State Thuringia: half of the state area is cultivated area. There are many significant personalities that used to live in Thuringia and which are characteristic for today’s culture: Every historical site tells its own, fascinating story. For example, the residential houses of Goethe and Schiller in Weimar show interesting insights of their lives. A must-do is to try the international known specialities ‘Thüringer Klöße’ and ‘Thüringer Rostbratwurst’.
People who want to live in the green state gear oneself up to low rental prices in rural areas and affordable rental prices in urban areas. Overall Thuringia is one of the most favorable regions in Germany.
The state capital Erfurt
Erfurt is called ‘Small Venice’, because there are many bridges – in total 234 – in the city. There’s a lot to visit in Erfurt: the beautiful historical city, the unique cultivated bridge ‘Krämerbrücke’, the dome, the old synagogue and the popular fish market. Today’s charm of the town is individual and creative: small stores, vegan organic cafés, regular happening flea markets and a wide range of special restaurants.
Erfurt is very popular among young people and therefore it has grown quickly in the last few years. Erfurt offers an appropriate home for anybody in one of its 53 districts, for instance in the vivid ‘Andreasvorstadt’, in the painter’s neighborhood ‘Daberstedt’, centrally located in ‘Bühlervorstadt’ or in the family-friendly neighborhood ‘Windischolzhausen’.
Other popular cities in Thuringia
The town’s landmark is the Wartburg Castle, where Martin Luther translated the New Testament. Also Eisenach is the home town of Johann Sebastian Bach. The city offers plenty different opportunities of habitation, whether it is a row house, a flat in an old building, a villa or a prefabricated building.
Many students like living in the beautiful university city. They’re leading a happy life between the University in the center of the city and relaxing breaks at the river Saale. There are enormous sports opportunities and leisure facilities in Jena: a skate park, many big beach volleyball fields and a facility for the trend sport ‘slacklining’. Popular sights are the 154m high Jentower, the interesting ‘Napoleonstein’ and the monument of the erlking, to remember the famous ballade of Goethe.
Many places in Weimar remind inhabitants and visitors of the lives of the famous poets Schiller and Goethe – the impressive memorial at the Theatre Square isn’t the only sign. Furthermore tourists should visit the national theatre, the Belvedere Palace, the municipal church ‘St. Peter und Paul’ and the Bauhaus museum. For a reason the storytelling Weimar comes first place in the list of ranking of city tourism in Thuringia.
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