Room close to boxi available FROM NOW til mid August 2024

Número del anuncio: 8680641


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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 4 personas apartamento
  • 4 personas
  • Mixto
  • Idioma(s): Alemán Alemán, Inglés Inglés

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble

Certificado de demanda, V: 10kW h/(m²a), Eléctrica, Clase de eficiencia energética A+

Edificio antiguo

3. Planta alta

5 minutos caminando


English (sorry):
Hi all!!

I am offering a really big (27m2) and furnished room in the middle of Friedrichshain.
I have 3 lovely flatmates that you would share the large kitchen and two bathrooms we have with.

Our flat is located one block away from the lively Boxhagener platz and is an easy 10 min walk to Ostkreuz, Warschauer and Samariter U-bahn, so very handy for public transport.

I am leaving for around 1 month to visit family and friends in Australia.
The rent is approx 600 euro per month.

Room comes with a TV and a better couch than are in the photos!

Please let me know if you are interested!

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