femeninofemeninomasculinoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso Wg room long term in Schöneberg 20qm - unfurnished - from 1.11.2024 - Anmeldung possible

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 20m² habitación en un 4 personas apartamento
  • 4 personas ( 2 Mujeres y 1 Hombre )
  • Profesionales, No comunitario
  • Idioma(s): Inglés

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  • cualquier género

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Wg room long term in Schöneberg 20qm - unfurnished - from 1.11.2024

We are Johann, Marjane and Anouk, we're all around 30 and are looking for a new flatmate. We created this WG constellation since a bit more than a year and are looking for a fitting piece of our WG puzzle 🧩. We live in the flat with different schedules and personalities, and it is important to us that we can talk openely, have our private space but also care about living with each other. Usually during the week we are quite chill and combine our work (PhD, social work) and activities (singing, dancing, swimming...) with some WG kitchen talk about our lives, work, last amazing or random berlin moments or our next travel plans, and chill together/drink coffee/eat and laugh quite a lot. Sometimes we do more together and sometimes less but it is important for us to have someone who wants to share more than a rent in the flat. 🙂

Other bold details: the sublet (Untermiete) comes with a contract. Move in possible form 1.11. Price: 509€/month warm. Deposit: 509€. Please be aware that the price will soon increases a little, as it increases each year a bit.
About the room: you have direct access to the balcony with your room, and you are the only one with a direct access. We will probably sometimes ask you if we can go through your room to go to the balcony, as the balcony is common.
You have two doors to enter your room, one is in the kitchen and the other one in the hallway. Your room room would be then a bit less soundproof because of the kitchen door. Just letting you know!

We have a flat with a big kitchen, balcony, small chilling corridor area, 1 bathroom with WC and 1 extra toilet. We work with Putzplan and keeping the flat clean is important to us, we don't rly share our groceries but rather collaborate spontaneously on a WG dinner.

We communicate in English and have no interest in your instagram. Ideally speaking you work already and are around our age. Write us something about yourself and lets meet or call to see if it cd work from both sides!

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