femeninomasculinomasculinoBuscando compañera o compañero de piso 1 FURNISHED ROOM in SOPHISTICATED APPARTMENT / € ALL-IN

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WG-Gesucht+ - Averigua cuáles son tus posibilidades.


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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • 16m² habitación en un 4 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 94m²
  • 4 personas ( 1 Mujer y 2 Hombres )
  • Edad de los residentes: 25 hasta 36 años
  • No es recomendable fumar
  • Estudiantes, Negocios, Profesionales, Mixto, Nueva noticia del piso compartido
  • Idioma(s): Inglés, Alemán

Buscando por:

  • cualquier género entre 20 y 39 años

Datos del inmueble

Certificado de demanda, Aceite, Año de construcción 1907, Clase de eficiencia energética E

Edificio antiguo saneado

1. Planta alta

Amueblado parcialmente

DSL, Tarifa plana, WLAN 50-100 Mbit/s

Parquet, Tablones

Energía renovable

Calefacción central

Buenos espacios para estacionar

2 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Sótano





You appreciate stylish and elevated living? You enjoy the combination of old building and modern living? You love living close to the city but still quiet? You want convenient “lug & play” moving in? Then I am your dream apartment in Esslingen!

The wonderful old building from 1907 as well as the flat are thoroughly refurbished (bath, kitchen, windows, electrical blinds, doors, floor, walls, electricity & water infrastructure, roof, staircase). The modernization worked out the original floor (wood & terrazzo), bath has been enlarged and moulding has been refreshed.

The spacious hall will be equipped with cosy furniture. The rooms will be equipped with bed, wardrobe, desktop and lights so you can directly start living. Kitchen, hall and bath are newly modernized and lighted by LED spots. LAN and WLAN are available in every room. Bathroom is enlarged and equipped with walk-in shower and all new ceramics. Kitchen includes induction stove, dishwasher and fridge.

 4 spacious room (16-18 sm) (partially funished: bed, wardrobe, desktop, lights)
 Spacious hall as shared living area (partially funished)
 Ceiling hight 2,60 – 2,85 m
 New windows (isolating glas, 3 times)
 New bath with window
 Kitchen incl. electrical devices
 Basement
- Washing maschine
 New radiotors

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