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1) Location 🏠: winsener straße 62, Harburg-Hamburg.
2) Sublet: *March 1* to *Mar 31st*
3) *City registration not possible*
4)Rent 550€ & Deposit 200€
Additional information
1) Flat: two bedrooms + kitchen + balcony + storeroom + cycle stand.
2) Furnished room: a big wardrobe + computer table + table + 2 rolling chairs + drawer cot & bed (1 extra bed)+ kellner space
3) Supermarket: Lidl, aldi nearby 15m and netto 500m
4) Bus stop: winsener straße nord 7m from home (30 seconds walk)
5) Harburg Rathus 2 stops away (7 mins) and a direct bus for TUHH. 10mins walk to Harburg banhof.
Location 🏠: winsener straße 62, Harburg-Hamburg.
Flamate is a male who is a friendly person and a student ay tuhh