

Bargowo (, 28) Buscando Apartamento en Nürnberg (Fumo de vez en cuando en el balcón). Hablo estos idiomas: Alemán, Inglés

Solicitud en línea: 20.10.2024

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: 01.12.2024 hasta 01.05.2025
Cantidad de habitaciones: 1 - 2
Barrios: Almoshof, Altenfurt, Birnthon, Bleiweiß, Boxdorf, Brunn, Buch, Buchenbühl, Doos, Dutzendteich, Eberhardshof, Eibach, Erlenstegen, Falkenheim, Fischbach, Freiland, Gaismannshof, Galgenhof, Gärten b.Wöhrd, Gärten h.d.Veste, Gartenstadt, Gaulenhofen, Gebersdorf, Gerasmühle, Gibitzenhof, Gleißbühl, Gleißhammer, Glockenhof, Gostenhof, Greuth, Großgründlach, Großreuth b.Schweinau, Großreuth h.d.Veste, Hafen, Hammer, Hasenbuck, Herpersdorf, Herrnhütte, Höfen, Höfles, Holzheim, Hummelstein, Katzwang, Kettelersiedlung, Kleingründlach, Kleinreuth b.Schweinau, Kleinreuth h.d.Veste, Kleinweidenmühle, Klingenhof, Königshof, Koppenhof, Kornburg, Kraftshof, Krottenbach, Langwasser, Laufamholz, Leyh, Lichtenhof, Lohe, Loher Moos, Lohhof, Lorenz, Maiach, Marienberg, Maxfeld, Mögeldorf, Moorenbrunn, Muggenhof, Mühlhof, Netzstall, Neukatzwang, Neunhof, Neuröthenbach, Neuselsbrunn, Nordbahnhof, Nordostbahnhof, Platnersberg, Rabus, Rangierbahnhof, Rechenberg, Rehhof, Reichelsdorf, Reichelsdorfer Keller, Rennweg, Reutles, Rosenau, Röthenbach b.Schweinau, Sandreuth, Schafhof, Schmalau, Schnepfenreuth, Schniegling, Schoppershof, Schweinau, Sebald, Seeleinsbühl, Spitalhof, St Jobst, St Johannis, St Leonhard, St Peter, St.Peter, Stadion, Steinbrüchlein, Steinbühl, Steinplatte, Sündersbühl, Tafelhof, Thon, Tiergarten, Tullnau, Unterbürg, Veilhof, Weichselgarten, Weigelshof, Weiherhaus, Werderau, Westfriedhof, Wetzendorf, Wöhrd, Worzeldorf, Zerzabelshof, Ziegelstein, Zollhaus, Fischbach bei Nürnberg, Gärten h d Veste, Gewerbepark Nürnberg-Feucht, Großreuth h d Veste, Kleinreuth b Schweinau, Kleinreuth h d Veste, Pillenreuth, Himpelshof
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado, Cocina disponible
Otro: n.a.

Más datos acerca de mí

I am a conscientious and responsible individual who prioritizes creating and maintaining a harmonious living environment. As an aircraft mechanic, I have honed my attention to detail and problem-solving skills, which I apply not only in my professional life but also in my daily interactions with others. I take great pride in keeping shared spaces clean and organized, always being mindful of communal areas and the comfort and needs of my housemates.

I firmly believe that open communication is key to a positive atmosphere at home. I actively listen to others and encourage dialogue, ensuring that everyone's concerns and preferences are respected. My adaptability allows me to get along well with various personalities, making me an ideal fit for a shared living situation.

I am eager to contribute to a respectful and enjoyable living environment, and I believe my responsible nature and awareness of my surroundings will make me a reliable and valued roommate. I am committed to fostering a sense of community and cooperation in our home. Thank you very much for considering my application!


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