Young couple looking for an apartment.


Donald C. (, 32) Buscando Apartamento en Wien (No fumo). Hablo estos idiomas: Inglés

Solicitud en línea: 2 horas

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: 01.12.2024 hasta 30.06.2025
Cantidad de habitaciones: 1 - 3
Barrios: 01. Bezirk Innere Stadt, 02. Bezirk Leopoldstadt, 03. Bezirk Landstraße, 04. Bezirk Wieden, 05. Bezirk Margareten, 06. Bezirk Mariahilf, 07. Bezirk Neubau, 08. Bezirk Josefstadt, 09. Bezirk Alsergrund, 15. Bezirk Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, 16. Bezirk Ottakring, 17. Bezirk Hernals, 18. Bezirk Währing, 19. Bezirk Döbling, 22. Bezirk Donaustadt
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado, No amueblado
Otro: n.a.

Más datos acerca de mí


I recently moved to Vienna for my master's studies and looking for a rental apartment starting 1 December 2024 (I am currently staying in a short-term rental apartment until 30 November 2024).

I am looking for a 2 room apartment preferably in district 2 - 9 but still open to other districts with a good transport connection to the Vienna University of Economics and Business. My budget is between 800 - 1000 euro.
I am also remotely employed and at the moment it's just me but my husband will be joining me soon. We are quiet, clean and introverted people with no kids yet.

Thank you.


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