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Anzeigennummer: 11861464


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Die WG:

  • 45m² Zimmer in 7er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 300m²
  • 7er WG ( 1 Frau und 2 Männer )
  • Bewohneralter: 25 bis 35 Jahre
  • Rauchen auf dem Balkon erlaubt
  • Berufstätigen-WG, gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Geschlecht egal zwischen 25 und 35 Jahren

Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau






5 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Terrasse, Balkon, Keller


We are renting the studio in our WG-Loft 🌞

Hey there!

We're looking for a flatmate that joins us in an amazing, sunlit 300sqm apartment — someone who’s up for a relaxed, friendly, and community-oriented shared living vibe. The studio is kind of a one-room-apartment, separately from the rest of the WG. You would have your own entrance and bathroom. The open kitchen as well as the terrace are for common-use.

There is also the possibility to take the studio as a couple.

Since we are just moving in, we’ve got the opportunity to create a cozy shared apartment in a huge space. The flat has an open kitchen leading into the living room and a rooftop terrace. There's also a second living area connected to the terrace and hallway.

Some Key Details:
Location: Proskauer Straße
Move-in Date: April 1st
5th-floor loft-apartment, super bright
Rooftop terrace + balcony
Open kitchen
6 rooms + 1 attached studio with private entrance & bathroom
2 additional bathrooms
Kitchen set up

We’re bringing most of the furniture from our current flat — so the place won’t be completely empty. A ping pong table, some plants, and more cozy essentials. In the studio you can create your space however you want :)

The vibes we are looking for:
Someone excited about community living and a shared flat vibe
The usual open communication & cleanliness
Willing to stay ideally for 1 year or 2

Of course, we should all get along well and be on the same page in terms of communication and expectations. So let’s meet and see!

A bit about us:
Julian (30, works at E.ON)
Julian is the plant guru of the flat. He bakes amazing bread and cakes, casually runs half-marathons, and is always up for fun activities in and around Berlin.

Anna (28, landscape architect & freelance graphic designer)
Anna is on a mission to discover the best cafés, restaurants, and jazz clubs in town. She always has fresh coffee beans at hand—perfect for shared coffee breaks in the kitchen.

At the moment we're about to find more people for the flat-crew :)

We have video of the whole flat, which we can drop you via mail.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, talk to us!

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