weiblichMitbewohnerin gesucht Short-term sublet – No Anmeldung!

Anzeigennummer: 11892963


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Die WG:

  • 16m² Zimmer in 2er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 50m²
  • 2er WG ( 1 Frau )
  • Rauchen nicht erwünscht
  • Frauen-WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch, Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Frau ab 22 Jahren

Angaben zum Objekt

1. OG


4 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt


Hello everyone, I’m subletting my furnished room from April 1st til May 29th (dates not flexible), and I’m looking for someone trustworthy, clean and responsible, as most of my belongings will remain in the room.

You’d be living with my roommate Laetizia, who is super sweet and rarely home during the week. We need someone who has experience living in flatshares and who respects personal space and cleanliness. If you’re someone who tends to leave dishes unwashed or doesn’t clean up after themselves, this is NOT a good fit. This is not a party flat— we come home to recharge and appreciate a peaceful environment. No students, no smokers, sorry.

About the room:
The room is 16m2, comes with a 180x200 bed, a desk and desk chair, I will make sure to make space in the commode, and hanging rack. There is also storage under the bed which you’ll be able to use.
I care a lot about my plants and would love you to make sure they are alive when I come back 🙏🏼.

The apartment is in a quiet residential area next to Volkspark Friedrichshain. There are several supermarkets nearby (Lidl 2min walk, Edeka 3min biking). U-Bahn Strausberger Platz (U5) is a 5-minute walk away, and several trams (M5, M6, M8) at Platz der Vereinten Nationen are 4 minutes away. You’re overall super well connected.

Rent & Conditions:
Rent is 750€/month -> 1450€ for the whole period, all-inclusive (heating, water, electricity, internet).
Deposit required: 750€ (will be returned at the end of the sublet if everything is in order).
No Anmeldung possible
No pets allowed

How to apply: Write me a few lines about yourself.
- What are you doing in Berlin?
- What is your flatshare experience?
- What do you do in your spare time?
- Are you fine with the mentioned dates as they are not flexible?
- Anything else you’d like to share.

Needed documents:
- Copy of your passport or ID
- Proof of income → last 3 payslips
- Rental Reference → Mietschuldenfreiheitsbescheinigung (letter from your current landlord confirming no unpaid rent) or a reference from a previous landlord

If I think it’s a good match, I’ll invite you over for a quick chat to get to know each other better 😊.

Please write “Alohomora” at the beginning of your message if you’ve read everything. I will not consider applications that don’t include it!

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